Friday, January 24, 2020
The Ultimate Zen :: essays research papers
The one problem with something being lost is the feeling one has for the object once it is gone. That felling of need and longing just creates pain. One could get rid of pain and loss if one could detach one’s self from these tokens. All emotional pain and suffering could be obliterated if one could think of all things, even people, as just things that come and go. This is not an excuse not to care about anybody. It is just a way not to wreck one’s life after something important has left. Sometimes, when a family member or spouse dies, people mourn for an unhealthy amount of time. Morning the death of a loved one is a healthy thing to do, but to let it consume the rest of the living’s life is completely unhealthy. These same feelings could be put towards sex as well. By detaching one’s self from the emotional part of it, there would be no regret, no guilt, no worrying, no sense of betrayal. It could be considered something fun to do with a friend, or merel y something to pass the time.      One problem with sex is the emotional attachment that one gets to the other person after the act. This attachment is stronger in women than in men, but most men still feel it, even though it might not be as strong as the woman’s feelings. This sense of attachment will turn into abandonment if one partner does not speak to or see the other again. By detaching emotion from the entire act, this feeling of abandonment will never be felt. Sex does not always have to be between a couple either. It could just be between friends. For example: Instead of going to a movie together, two people could stay in and fornicate. This is where the whole friends-with-benefits idea comes from. They do not need to be with each other all the time and do not mind when they see other people, so just use sex as a recreational sport. It could take the place of baseball as the American Pastime.      Another emotion that could stem from sex is guilt. If a man was to sleep with a married woman, or visa versa, both would normally feel some sort of guilt. By detaching themselves from the entire act, they would feel nothing. One would be helping the other one by fulfilling needs that were not being fulfilled by the married one’s spouse.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Crimes Against Children Essay
ABSTRACT Child abuse clearly has a negative impact on children and can result in behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and developmental difficulties. This may lead to greater difficulties later in life that will extend into adulthood. The use of proper investigation techniques and appropriate handling of cases, however, can result in less traumatization for child abuse victims. I. Introduction According to Hess & Orthmann (2010), law enforcement agencies are charged with investigating all crimes, but the responsibility is greater when children are involved. Because children are more vulnerable than other members of society, their protection under the law must be greater. Crimes against children cover an extensive range of crimes, including but not limited to: maltreatment, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, abduction, trafficking and molestation. Child abuse investigations involve many challenges and therefore warrant specific techniques and considerations for successful outcomes in terms of cases solved and prosecutions. This paper will begin by defining specific terms that are germane to the topic of crimes against children. The next section will provide a scope of the problem concerning crimes against children. The following section will offer a theory framework to account for offenders of crimes against children. The fifth section will offer a literature review of current research findings regarding crimes against children investigative techniques. This is followed by a discussion section that will identify strategies and recommendations for successful investigative outcomes. Finally, the last section will summarize and conclude the important aspects of crimes against children investigation strategies as they relate to successful outcomes and prosecution. The significance of this paper is that it contributes to the criminal justice system by critically reviewing investigative strategies and techniques as they relate to their mission of successful outcomes in crimes against children cases. This paper is written for colleagues and clerisy who have a professional or academic interest in reducing crimes against children through utilizing the best investigative strategies and techniques. II. Maltreatment of Children Defined Maltreatment means to treat someone roughly or abusive (Hess & Orthmann, 2010). The four common types of maltreatment include neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse. A. Child Neglect – The failure to meet a child’s basic needs. This could include starving a child, or not keeping a child clean and well-kempt. B. Physical Abuse – Refers to violence against a child. While the laws may vary from state to state regarding the specifics of what constitutes physical abuse towards a child, this term refers to excessive abuse such as punching, strangling, or causing bodily harm to a child. C. Emotional Abuse – Involves causing fear or feelings of unworthiness in a child. This may include hurling insults at a child, or intimidating a child. D. Sexual abuse – Sexually molesting a child, performing sexual acts, statutory rape, and seduction (Hess et al, 2010). III. Scope of the Problem The extent of the problem is described by two conflicting views. One on side of the spectrum, there is a maximalist alarmist perspective and on the other side there is the minimalist skeptical perspective. The maximalist alarmist perspective believes that child abuse and neglect is reaching epidemic proportions and unless drastic steps are taken child abuse will continue and only get worse. The minimalists consider the maximalist view to be overly exaggerated and overstated for their own self-serving purpose (Hess et al, 2010). According to Juvenile Offenders and Victims 2006 National Report, child fatalities are the most tragic consequences of maltreatment. An estimated 1,530 children died because of abuse or neglect. 41.1 percent of child fatalities were caused by neglect where physical abuse was also a major contributor. More than three-quarters of the children who died because of child abuse were younger than four years old. However, some experts believe that child fatalities may be underreported by 50 to 60 percent (Hess et al, 2010). The effects of child abuse are upsetting, disheartening and potentially very dangerous. Child abuse and neglect result in serious as well as permanent physical, mental and emotional damage. Unfortunately, the effects of child abuse may lead some victims to behave in future criminal behavior (Hess et al, 2010). Emotional damage from the effects of child abuse is disturbing. It may cause the victim to have an increased level of aggression along with self-destructive tendencies. Antisocial behavior can put not only the family in harm’s way, but also the community (Hess et al, 2010). Antisocial behaviors along with physical aggression are two of the most constant outcomes of physical abuse. Fear and anger are also incorporated with abused children. Some studies have suggested that childhood abuse and neglect will reduce cognitive skills and can lead to attention defi cit disorders. In addition to deficit disorders, neglected and physically abused children do not do well in school. These children tend to produce low grades, lower standardized tests scores and much retention in the same grade, but neglected children are far worse off than those who are physically abused (Chalk, Gibbons, Scarupa, 2002). IV. Theory Framework to Account for Offenders Crimes against children have numerous broad based causations rooted in criminological, psychological, and biological theory constructs. From a crimes against children investigative perspective, the power and control theory, (as a subset of conflict criminology), as posited by Hagan, Gillis, and Simpson (1990) accounts for a significant niche of offenders. In their theory Hagan et al. (1990) describe the power bestowed to males by the patriarchal system of marriage. While primarily an explanation of domestic violence, the power and control theory also incorporates domestic aspect of child abuse, neglect, and sexual assault (Hagan et al., 1990). Hess and Orthmann (2010) add further support in their claim that 90 percent of child abuse suspects are parents or an adult known to the child. Tanner (2009) notes limitation of the power and control theory is it does not explain or predict violent behavior, only that offending behavior toward children does occur in significant numbers in a pat riarchal construct. Even with this limitation, the power and control theory is useful in identifying offenders and developing useful policies and strategies in crimes against children investigations. V. Literature Review A specific technique for a better outcome for handling child victim cases would be to establish a children’s advocacy center. Allowing these centers to place law enforcement officers, child protection workers, prosecutors, therapists, medical professionals all in one center will be to coordinate investigations, prosecution and treatment to the young victim. These centers can conduct child-friendly interviews rather than multiple interviews that may be in an interrogation room or in the house where the abused victim was neglected to such criminal activity. By placing children in an advocacy center and using a multidisciplinary team approach, it is easier for a team of professionals to work together to ensure that the maltreatment of the child is responded to in the best possible way with the least amount of further trauma. These centers â€Å"†¦improve the quality of information and increase the number of successful prosecutions†(U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1999). Unfortunately in the criminal justice system, law enforcement agencies must vie for federal funding and therefore resources like advocacy centers may not always be available in all cities and towns to coordinate such a team of professionals. Another idea that has been proven to work better than others would be to bring other agencies together and form a multidisciplinary team approach to the situation. The purpose of bringing these teams and agencies together is to limit the amount of times the child is interviewed, to coordinate intervention, and to reduce the amount duplication of agency procedures (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1999) Joint and coordinated responses help cases not â€Å"fall through the cracks†(Hess & Orthmann, 2010). Joint interviews and monitored interviews will help reduce inconsistencies that may occur and improve the quality of information that is given by the child (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1999). VI. Discussion/Recommendations Investigating child neglect and maltreatment cases can be very demanding and is perceived by prosecutors as the most difficult to prosecute. Protecting the child from further harm, interviewing the child, and the need to involve other agencies are three challenges that occur when investigating child abuse and neglect (Hess et al, 2010). To help address these issues, there are some strategies in place to help children in need. To protect the child from further harm, under welfare regulations and codes, an officer may place a child in temporary custody without a warrant if there is an emergency (Hess et al, 2010). To help overcome challenges (i.e., short attention spans, difficulty discussing the abuse, and the fact the child was most likely told not to tell anyone) when interviewing a child, officers should consider the children’s age, their ability to describe what happened, and the retaliation by the suspect once the child â€Å"tells†(Hess et al, 2010). One idea w ould be to consider inviting a social worker or therapist who has studied child psychology and who is formally trained and has experience talking with troubled and abused children. VII. Conclusion Crimes which are committed against children have dire consequences, not just for the victims but for society as a whole. Police investigations of crimes against children require specific strategies and techniques for successful outcomes. With a wide scope of crimes being committed against children, law enforcement officials are charged with ensuring the safety of the child, and getting all the information about the crime from the child. This may involve bringing in social workers, creating children advocacy centers or other mental health professionals in order to provide an environment where children can feel they are safe to talk about what has happened. While some solutions to this problem may be expensive, time-consuming, or difficult; protecting the child is the ultimate goal for law enforcement and proper training for those who are involved in child abuse cases is paramount to bringing justice for these young victims. VIII. References Chalk, R., Gibbons, A., & Scarupa, H. (2002). The Multiple Dimensions of Child Abuse and Neglect: New Insights into an Old Problem. Research Brief, Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Hagan, J., Gillis, A. & Simpson J. (1990). Clarifying and extending the power and control theory. American Journal of Sociology, 9, (4), 1, 1024-37 Tanner, J. (2009). Teenage Troubles: Youth and Deviance in Canada, 3rd edition. Oxford Publishing U.S. Dept. of Justice. (1999). Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Recommendations to Improve the Criminal Justice Response to Child Victims and Witnesses. Office for Victims of Crime, 6, Electronic Source Only. Retrieved April 15, 2013 from: Hess, K. M., & Orthmann, C. H. (2010). Criminal Investigation (9th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
What Are Gender Roles - 1123 Words
Summer Evans Essay 4 Prof. LaTour Eng. 101 Specific Gender Roles What are gender roles? Gender roles are those that are portrayed by a certain gender identity. In other words, a male and/or female should act and dress as if their gender is supposed to as seen by society. Guys will wear shorts and a T-shirt while girls will wear dresses and skirts; that is just how society sees an individual. Men and women’s gender roles reflect on what others will think in today’s society. Society sees men and women playing their own role. We expect a woman to do things like cook, clean, and do laundry while we expect the men to work all day and earn the money that we as women spend. We are born with a specific gender, as we get older we start to†¦show more content†¦Society stereotypes gender roles, but believe that these specific roles do not reflect on how society today sees us. Society will judge and stereotype every little thing done in this world; it does not matter what gender role you are playing or what gender identity is presented. A quote in the text states, â€Å"People use femininity or masculinity to claim and communicate their membership in their assigned, or chosen, sex or gender. Others recognize our sex or gender more on the basis of these characteristics than on the basis of sex characteristics, which are usually largely covered by clothing in daily life†(Devor 475). In other words, this author is trying to say that it does not matter what a person looks like under or on top of their clothes. Society sees a person and treats them how they want to be treated and how they present themselves and their characteristics. Gender roles are over stereotyped. Society for example, believes women should be stay at home mothers while men should go out and work all day. Women should remain clean while men go out and get their hands dirty. 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