Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Maggie A Girl of the Streets
Maggie A Girl of the Streets The Basic Information about the Client Maggie is a youthful Caucasian lady in her twenties who originated from the Bowery neighborhood. Maggie chose to request the assistance of an expert without the effect of different people. The reason for the referral is the sentiments of sadness and blame from which the lady endures. Maggie states that she additionally experiences negative musings and the possibility of self destruction turned out to be fairly over the top. The lady is by all accounts apprehensive and depleted, her discourse and developments are fitful.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Maggie: A Girl of the Streets explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Background Information Maggie says she originates from the poor family living in the Bowery neighborhood of New York. Maggie and her two siblings were raised by the remorseless dad and mother who experienced liquor misuse. The young lady developed bashful and modest, yet she would have liked to get the great instruction, conquer destitution, and build up her insight and perspectives. As a general rule, Maggie’s instruction is poor, and her working experience depends on the work at the shirt manufacturing plant. Despite the issues inside the family with the mother and sibling, Maggie trusted she could improve the circumstance. The lady started relations with her brother’s companion Pete, accepting the man could assist her with getting away from the neediness. By and by, the family didn't acknowledge the reality of Maggie’s relations, and the lady needed to venture out from home inclination blame for her indecent conduct. The relations with Pete were stopped due to his expectation, however the lady couldn't return back to her family. Thus, today, Maggie needs to fill in as a whore so as to acquire some cash, yet she doesn't perceive any positive viewpoints throughout her life. The Psychological Profile Having focused on the data given by Maggie in th e meeting, today is conceivable to express that Maggie experiences the issues related with such social issues as neediness and need to function as a whore. The lady can't acknowledge the reality, however she additionally doesn't see potential variations to defeat the circumstances. Having surveyed Maggie’s mental state with the assistance of mental rating scales, it is conceivable to take note of that the lady experiences melancholic wretchedness which can bring about creating self destruction thoughts. Moreover, Maggie’s discourse is brimming with words with the negative meaning, and she is fixed on her negative sentiments and feelings. The common indications of clinical misery are sentiments of despondency, misfortune, disappointment, and sadness which are experienced by Maggie. The lady additionally expresses that she feels being double-crossed by her family members and sweetheart since they surrendered her, and this inclination makes Maggie examine herself as use less and void. Besides, she talks about her present situation as a whore as the consequence of her unethical conduct and relations with Pete.Advertising Looking for article on american writing? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From this point, Maggie experiences rather inverse sentiments of blame and powerlessness which are the aftereffects of her sure goals to improve the existence conditions starting relations with Pete and her negative understanding of being ‘ruined’ and sold out by Pete. This enthusiastic debate is compelling for Maggie, and its blend with the hazardous life conditions makes Maggie pick crafted by prostitute since she doesn't examine herself as deserving of the better life in view of the negative understanding. The consequence of these internal clashes is clinical melancholic gloom which is seen with references to Maggie’s proclamation of her misery, uneasiness, sadness, loss important t o the life, and depression. The indications of misery are watched while concentrating on the woman’s appearance. Maggie doesn't focus on her garments and appearance, she abstains from taking a gander at the questioner, and she is fairly detached while telling about her issues. Suggestions and Therapies The indications of Maggie’s sadness can be remembered and treated, if a clinician centers around expanding Maggie’s confidence. The issue is in the woman’s protection from acknowledge her entitlement to carry on with the better life since she is fixed on her negative understanding. Nonetheless, the mind boggling treatment likewise incorporates the work situated to improving the social conditions which cause Maggie to feel disappointed. Subsequently, Maggie ought to get the assistance as per the subjective conduct treatment. It is helpful to take part in the gathering of help. It is useful for Maggie to surrender her work as a whore and come back to the work at the manufacturing plant so as to change the economic wellbeing. In any case, Maggie can encounter a few troubles with changing the work in light of the fact that the lady feels that she can't acknowledge the better position as a result of her shameless conduct. It is important to concentrate on the treatment with an analyst so as to help Maggie comprehend the way that she isn't blameworthy in the issues of her family, however she is sufficiently able to beat the issues. Anticipation There are high possibilities for Maggie to defeat her downturn. At the primary phase of recuperation, Maggie should deal with her confidence and maintain a strategic distance from negative reasoning styles. Therefore, Maggie can feel forces to change the work. The drawn out results of the treatment are simply the improvement of Maggie’s regard and will alongside changing the living situations. Maggie can get autonomous from her family’s foundation with changing the region of the city or even the city itself. Maggie can likewise concentrate on correspondence with individuals since it is critical to her to discover the harmony among naivety and doubt comparable to people.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Maggie: A Girl of the Streets explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Peek Over Our Shoulders What Rioters Are Reading on January 19, 2017
Peek Over Our Shoulders What Rioters Are Reading on January 19, 2017 In this feature at Book Riot, we give you a glimpse of what we are reading this very moment. Here is what the Rioters are reading today (as in literally today). This is what’s on their bedside table (or the floor, work bag, desk, whatevskis). See a Rioter who is reading your favorite book? I’ve included the link that will take you to their author archives (meaning, that magical place that organizes what they’ve written for the site). Gird your loins â€" this list combined with all of those archived posts will make your TBR list EXPLODE. We’ve shown you ours, now show us yours; let us know what you’re reading (right this very moment) in the comment section below! Andi Miller Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church by Rachel Held Evans: The ultimate memoir for doubting, resistant Christians. If you’re into equality, realness, and actual conversations about hard topics and interested in inviting more Christians to the proverbial table, this is the book. (Audio) The Turner House by Angela Flournoy: Charm and soul and a great narrative voice. I was immediately hooked into this story of the 13 Turner siblings as they figure out what to do with their increasingly dependent mother and their family home. (Ebook) Molly Wetta Difficult Women by Roxane Gay: I read a few stories of this as an advanced copy, but I waited for it to come out in print to read it again in its entirety. (library hardcover) Breathless by Beverly Jenkins: I’m still not finding much in contemporary romance that I like, so I figured I’d try an different historical period and see if I could get into that. This is the second in the Old West series, and features one of my favorite romance plots: childhood friends who meet later as adults. Hannah Engler A Woman Looking at Men Looking At Women by Siri Hustvedt: blowing my mind, but slow going. (Hardcover) Whatever Happened to Interracial Love? Stories By Kathleen Collins: I’m listening to this as I walk around campus in the snow. Yesterday it made me cry twice: once on my way to the gym, and once after I got off the phone with my mom (who I’d called to gush about it). (Audio) The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule: I’m obsessed with true crime shows and podcasts, but I’m just getting into true crime books. This one is a classic about a crime reporter who was close friends with Ted Bundy years before he was convicted for his killings. (Audio) Jessica Woodbury Stay With Me by Ayobami Adebayo: Set in Nigeria, this story of a tumultuous marriage is a fascinating mix of soap opera-worthy twists with serious literary heft. When Yejide still isn’t pregnant after several years of marriage, her husband’s family gets him a new wife. (e-galley) The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon: Yes, I know, everyone loves this book but I just barely got to it and it’s clear that I underestimated just how much I was going to love it. (audio) Sarah Nicolas The Hidden Brain: How Our Unconscious Minds Elect Presidents, Control Markets, Wage Wars, and Save Our Lives by Shankar Vedantam: I have made an informal commitment to reading more nonfiction this year so this was the start of that (and a great start, at that). (Audiobook) Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard: Catching up (library audiobook) Once We Were (The Hybrid Chronicles, #2) by Kate Zhang: I really enjoyed the first book in this series, so I downloaded this one, too. (Library audiobook) James Wallace Harris Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly: I loved the movie, but the movie is only a tiny portion of the book. Read the book to get the whole story, it’s worth it. I’m listening to White Trash: The 400-Year Untold Story of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg. Wow! What a history lesson. If you think Trump is scary, wait till you get to the chapter on Andrew Jackson. Jessica Yang If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo: I loved the interview with the author and had to check it out! (hardcover) Love is the Drug by Alaya Dawn Johnson: I liked Alaya Dawn Johnsons othe YA book, The Summer Prince, and Ive had this book on my shelf collecting dust for a while. Finally got started on it! (paperback) Liberty Hardy One Day Well All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter: Essays by Scaachi Koul (Picador, May 2): Picked this up based on the title alone, but the essays I have read so far are also compelling. (galley) The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (Balzer + Bray, Feb. 28): Plucked from the headlines, this book is really brutal and necessary. (e-galley) The Girl in Green by Derek B. Miller: I can’t resist a book being hailed as the 21st century’s Catch-22. (hardcover) Murder as a Fine Art by David Morrell: Continuing on with my current reading streak of books about Victorian-era murders. Please @ me with all your suggestions, fiction or nonfiction! (paperback) Tasha Brandstatter The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer: It’s narrated by Richard Armitage. Nuff said. (audiobook) Artistic License by Elle Pierson: I can’t resist a book about artists, and this was recommended on the Goodreads page for Act Like It. I didn’t know the author of the two books was actually the same person until after I started reading. (ebook) Jan Rosenberg History Of Wolves by Emily Fredlund: A very unsettling coming-of-age story. It’s one of the many 2017 debuts that I’ve been excited to read. I’ve got a thing for wolves. Actual wolves, not werewolves. Recommended via the All The Books podcast. E.H. Kern The Rise of Io by Wesley Chu: After reading Chu’s Tao Trilogy I was convinced that the world of the Quasings and their adventures on Earth had given us everything there was to give. Not so, as The Rise of Io clearly shows. A great read that introduces us to Ella, yet another complex and reluctant hero created by Chu. (Hardcover Special Edition) Katie McLain The Bees by Laline Paull: This was marketed as The Handmaid’s Tale meets The Hunger Games, but with bees. I’m not seeing much Hunger Games in the story, but the book itself is fascinating. It’s told completely from the perspective of a worker bee as she navigates the caste system and responsibilities of her hive. The language is gorgeous, and I’ve totally bought into this story about bee life. (digital audio) My Sister Rosa by Justine Larbalestier: A book about a psychologically creepy child? Heck yes. I’m really digging this complex YA novel about an Australian family who moves to New York City, with their two children Che and Rosa. Che is 17 and is responsible for looking after his 10-year-old sister, Rosa, except Rosa is unlike most 10 year old girls. She lies, she manipulates, she hurts people for the fun of it, and everyone, including Che’s parents, has completely fallen for her charm. Everyone except Che, that is. It sounds like it’s one step away from becoming a Law Order episode, but I’m hoping it’ll avoid the melodrama in favor of a nuanced psychological portrait. (Library hardcover) Priya Sridhar Skunks Dance by St. John Karp: I’m reading an advanced reader’s copy of this. So far I have to admit that burning someone’s car down isn’t the same as tossing a rock through a window, and that a girl is lucky if she can buy a car for four hundred dollars. Two teens hunt for an ancient treasure, while in the past their ancestors carry on a huge feud. (Paperback) I’m Dyin’ Here: A Life in Paper by Tim Groan: Print journalism is dying, if not already dead. Tim Groban muses on giving several decades to the profession. He has a dry approach to his life, and how it’s measured within the columns. (Paperback) Karina Glaser Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys: I’ve been meaning to read this for months and finally grabbed it off of the library shelves. (Library Hardcover) Midnight Without a Moon by Linda Williams Jackson: This book, based on a true event in Mississippi in 1955, is told from the point of view of eleven-year-old Rose Lee Carter. A terrific read so far, and I can’t wait to finish it. (Hardcover) Born a Crime by Trevor Noah: I’m listening to the audiobook, narrated by Noah himself, and it’s a fantastic memoir of his life growing up in South Africa. (Audiobook) Kristen McQuinn Miranda and Caliban by Jacqueline Carey: This is a gorgeous, atmospheric revision of The Tempest, full of Careys typical rich world building. Its beautiful and heartbreaking and gives readers a back story of Mirandas childhood on the island, growing up with Caliban. (E-galley, Tor, March 2017). Hag Seed by Margaret Atwood: I just started this retelling of The Tempest so I dont know yet how I feel about it. If its like every other Atwood Ive read, Im going to love it. I certainly do so far! Also, one of my friends was actually asked by the Atwood Society to write a review of Hag Seed (holy shit, thats awesome!!) and so I want to read this so I know what she was raving about. Other than the fact that its Margaret Atwood and of course she was raving about it. (Hardback). Steph Auteri Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow: I’m obsessed with the musical. How could I not? (Paperback) A Lowcountry Heart by Pat Conroy: This posthumously published collection of Conroy’s blog posts and speeches was a Christmas gift from my parents. I fell for Conroy’s writing by filching the books from their shelves, so it was a fitting gift. (Paperback) Love Is Love edited by Marc Andreyko. This gorgeous comic anthology was created in the wake of the Orlando Pulse shooting. I learned about it when I started reading feminist comics. I find myself crying every other page. (Paperback) Thomas Maluck How They Croaked: The Awful Ends of the Awfully Famous by Georgia Bragg Kevin O’Malley: I am reading this book for a library trivia program, and it is flush with little-discussed factoids surrounding the lives and especially deaths of 19 historical figures. This book is aimed at a young audience, but I think Bragg’s casual, humorous writing style and O’Malley’s playful illustrations will attract many a morbid curiosity. This book originally came out in 2011, but famous deaths are timeless. (Hardback) Lucas Maxwell George by Alex Gino. I’ve seen several students in the high school I work at reading this and never got a chance to pick it up until recently. George is an elementary school student that was born a boy but knows in her heart that she’s a girl. George has the chance to play Charlotte in the school’s production of Charlotte’s Web. By putting herself forward, she might be exposing more than she wants to. A fast, poignant read that all students should share! Johann Thorsson The Warren by Brian Evenson. Saw this along with the words “smart science fiction horror novella.†I’ve read some of Evenson’s work before so I knew this would be good. And so far it’s everything promised. (eBook) The Nightly Disease by Max Booth III. Reading this because I like Max’s Litreactor columns and was intrigued. So far this is filthy and crazy and great fun. (eBook) The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. This has been mentioned to me so many times by so many people that I just had to. Also a sucker for pretty covers, and this one is certainly that. (paperback) Jamie Canaves Human Acts by Han Kang, Deborah Smith (translation): The Vegetarian was dark and deliciously smart and one of my favorite reads so I’ve been anticipating this novel for a while. So far it’s just as dark as The Vegetarian but instead of weird it’s unique, and even though it’s a devastating subject Kang’s writing is fantastic and the narrators (including Sandra Oh!) are amazing. I’m having a really hard time putting it down. (audiobook) No One Is Coming to Save Us by Stephanie Powell Watts (Ecco, April 4th): I picked this up for the title and have been treated to great writing and characters that I can’t stop thinking about. (egalley) The Astonishing Mistakes of Dahlia Moss by Max Wirestone (Redhook, March 14th): It doesn’t always work out but that doesn’t stop me from needing to read anything with a Veronica Mars comp. (ARC) The Roanoke Girls by Amy Engel (Crown, March 7th): Roanoke girls never last long around here. In the end, we either run or we die,†made me need to read this book. So far the chapters alternate between past and present and I’m 100% invested. (egalley) Sonja Palmer Dreadnought by April Daniels (Diversion, January 24th): This is about Danny Tozer, a transgender teenage girl who becomes a superhero and gets the body she always wanted, while having to battle supervillians. Yes, please! (egalley) History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera (Soho Teen, January 17th). I LOVED More Happy than Not, so when this came up, I immediately requested it. Silvera’s writing stays with you for a long time. (egalley) Amanda Kay Oaks Difficult Women by Roxane Gay (Crown): I’m reading this book because Roxane Gay. I feel like that’s the only explanation necessary. (egalley). Small Admission by Amy Poeppel (Atria): I’m making my way through all of the egalleys I requested back in 2016, and this one was next on the list. It’s about a young woman who has a breakdown after a breakup (which turns out to be about more than just the breakup), and about the job that helps pull her back into the world. The story is told from multiple perspectives, which makes it an interesting read. (egalley). Aram Mrjoian The Refugees by Viet Thanh Nguyen: This was my most anticipated book of 2017 and it is not disappointing. I am in love with Nguyen’s well-paced and elegant short stories. Despite being bogged down with homework, I haven’t been able to put it down. (ARC) Erin Burba In the Country We Love: A Family Divided by Diane Guerrero: I wasn’t familiar with Diane Guerrero- an actor best known for her roles on Jane the Virgin and Orange is the New Black prior to listening to this. The book caught my eye because of the 2017 Book Riot Reading Challenge Task #5: Read a book by an immigrant or with a central immigration narrative. (audiobook) Commonwealth by Ann Patchett: I’ve been meaning to read this since it came out it’s finally time. I’ve just started, and it’s very entertaining so far. (ebook) Megan Cavitt Black Panther: A Nation Under Our Feet, vol. 1 by Ta-Nehisi Coates (story) and Brian Stelfreeze (art): THIS FINALLY CAME IN AT MY LIBRARY AND I AM CAPSLOCKING EVERYWHERE. (library paperback) The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury: I’m continuing my unintentional trend of buying sci-fi classics for dirt-cheap at garage and library sales. So far this is solidifying my belief that science fiction is the best genre for unflinching examination of society’s flaws. (hardcover) Julia Pistell Kindred: A Graphic Novel by Damian Duffy (Adapter), Octavia E. Butler (Author), John Jennings (Illustrator). I was chomping at the bit to get my hands on this graphic novel adaptation of the classic Octavia Butler sci-fi novel, and so far, it’s not disappointing. Gotta go get back to the arresting graphics, racing plot, and emotional core that makes this adaptation a single-sitting read. Elizabeth Allen My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry by Frederik Backman I am reading this for my local indie bookstore’s monthly book group. This was a slow starter for me, but I found myself continually touched by the innocence of fairy tales and how they so easily reflect the realities of adulthood. (paperback) Inside Scientology by Janet Reitman: Continuing my never-ending obsession with all things Scientology, this is a great, in-depth glimpse into one of the world’s youngest and most controversial “religionsâ€. Reitman gives the reader great insight into the motivations of L. Ron Hubbard. I can’t wait until I get further into the book and learn more about their most recent history. (paperback) Alison Doherty On Beauty by Zadie Smith: I’ve been meaning to read Zadie Smith for almost a decade, so when I saw this prominently displayed at a used book store I decided the time was now. The writing is so beautiful and specific I’m made at myself for waiting so long. (paperback) The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen: This was highly recommended by a family member at Thanksgiving. I’m only two chapters in but feel completely immersed in this fantasy world. (paperback) Kelly Anderson Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood: It seems to be my year for Shakespeare retellings. I just read Miranda and Caliban, which I very much enjoyed (out next month and you should totally check it out if this is your thing!), and this seemed like a good follow up. I am enjoying it so far- a bit different than your typical Atwood, but in a good way. The Privileges by Jonathan Dee: Nearly done with this. I’d heard such good things about the haunting, memorable, vivid first section. They weren’t wrong about that-its worth the price of admission to the whole book. The Bookshop by Penelope Fitzgerald: Fitzgerald has been on my list to try for a long time, and I found this at a used bookstore yesterday. It was serendipity! Time to settle in and check her out and see if she’s all that she’s been advertised to be! Rebecca Hussey Umami by Laia Jufresa: I’m nearing the end of this warm, moving novel of friendship, family, and food set in Mexico City. (ebook) Ines Bellina Negroland by Margo Jefferson:I was intrigued by the book after reading an interview with Jefferson, where she spoke openly about the pressures and tensions of being a black woman with a substantial degree of socioeconomic privilege. Negroland examines the world of upper-class African-Americans through both a critical, historical, and personal lens. It’s the kind of story I don’t often hear about and few people are usually exposed to. (Library hardcover) Kay Taylor Rea Pretty Face by Lucy Parker: (Carina Press, February 20) Parker’s first novel, Act Like It, is my go-to recommendation for contemporary romance newbies and I jumped at the chance to get my hands on this standalone set in the same universe. The fulsome worldbuilding of Parker’s West End theater scene, wonderfully realized characters, and steamy romance are all amazing. (e-galley) Not Your Sidekick by CB Lee: (Duet Books) I’ve been hearing good things about this YA superhero novel and its bisexual Asian American protagonist, so I suggested it for my book club’s next read. I’m pretty tired of the first person POV that pervades most of the YA market right now, so I’m loving the third person present tense used here. (ebook) Tracy Shapley The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde: I’ve subscribed to about a billion book subscription boxes this year (that’s only a slight exaggeration) and I’ll only be reading books from said sub boxes this year. I’ll then be tracking various diversity elements of each of the sub boxes. The Picture of Dorian Gray was the January pick for Thrifty Books. For some reason I have been surprised so far by how clever this book is. (paperback) Difficult Women by Roxane Gay: This was the pick for My Lit Box and it is so fantastic that I’m dreading finishing it in about 15 pages. I love books that get to the quick of really painful, difficult subjects but I can be easily put off if that quick turns cloying or overly dramatic. Gay has a way of making me feel things deeply and then pulling me back right when I am on the verge of becoming overwhelmed. (hardcover) Claire Handscombe Liccle Bit by Alex Wheaton: Alex Wheaton is an undisputed star of the YA world in the UK thanks to his trilogy of novels set on a fictional inner-city London estate. He won the Guardian Children’s Author prize in 2016 for the second book in the series, and I was curious, so I’m starting at the beginning. And this book goes toward my British Books Challenge for 2017, too. Creativity and Feature Writing by Ellie Levenson: This is the year I finally get to be a full-time writer, which means I need to get serious about my freelance journalism. This book is all about getting ideas, and it’s working: after I’d read five pages I brainstormed 30 potential pieces I can pitch. (Paperback.) Chelsea Hensley Tell Me Again How A Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan: This one’s been recommended to me a bunch, and it was on sale for a time so I’m finally picking it up. (ebook) Archie Vol. 2 by Mark Waid: I’m prepping for the live-action Riverdale show premiering later this month so I’m sucking up all the Archie I can get (paperback) Ashley Bowen-Murphy The Codex by Lev Grossman: I am still reading books that use the Voynich Manuscript as a plot device. Picked this one up at my library and am slowly getting into it. (hardback) Dangerous Pregnancies: Mothers, Disabilities, and Abortion in Modern America by Leslie J. Reagan: Technically, I’m reading this history of the 1964 Rubella outbreak, reproductive rights, and disability activism for work. Honestly, though, I’d read it even if it wasn’t related to my job. (hardback) Jamie Moore Make Your Home Among Strangers by Jennine Capó Crucet: Currently reading this novel about a first generation Cuban American navigating the college experience while dealing with the pressures she faces at home. The Sellout by Paul Beatty: I was apprehensive about this text when I heard it was satire, but the praise is incredibly well deserved. Maddie Rodriguez Crosstalk by Connie Willis: I’m still working my way through the books I received as Christmas gifts (lucky me!). I didn’t get around to reading this one immediately after it came out and then foolishly put it on my Christmas list and thus was forbidden from buying it for myself. Finally, the wait is over! I’ve been a huge fan of basically every other novel Connie Willis has written so I’m sure I will love this romantic comedy that delves into issues of technology, empathy and way, way too much information. (hardcover) Peter Damien Letterman: The Last Giant of Late-Night by Jason Zinoman (Harper, April 11th: This is the second book in a row on Late Nite talk shows and their backstage politics that I’ve read (the first being The War for Late Night by Bill Carter). I’m a sucker for Hollywood books anyhow, but these are proving to be particularly addictive reads. I was never a huge Letterman fan (my Late Nite interest began and ended with Craig Ferguson), but this is an excellent book that paints a very compelling story about a complicated, not terribly pleasant person. (e-galley) Star Trek: Enterprise: Rise of the Federation: Uncertain Logic by Christopher L Bennett: you take what you get with Star Trek novels sometimes. They can be astonishingly well-written and compelling, or clunky as hell. This one falls somewhere in between. Still, it’s a fun book, and it’s scratching not only the endless Star Trek itch I possess, but also the Enterprise one which I’ve acquired over the past month, as I rewatch the show and recall yet again that it really was a lot better than people gave it credit for. If I have one complaint about this Trek novel, it’s that the type font appears to be mimeographed on the page, it’s so small. I’m all but using a magnifying glass to read it. (mass market paperback) Nikki DeMarco Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert: I just started this nonfiction on living a creative life, but I’m already feeling more inspired. I’ve heard amazing things about the podcast of the same name by Gilbert and thought I’d start with the book. It’s simple and true and putting a fire under the creative side of my life. I don’t think it’ll take me very long to finish and immediately start again.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Attila the Hun at the Battle of Chalons
The Battle of Chalons was fought during the Hunnic Invasions of Gaul in present-day France. Pitting Attila the Hun against Roman forces led by Flavius Aetius, the Battle of Chalons ended in a tactical draw but was a strategic victory for Rome. The victory at Chalons was one of the last achieved by the Western Roman Empire.​ Date The traditional date for the Battle of Chalons is June 20, 451. Some sources indicate that it may have been fought on September 20, 451. Armies Commanders Huns Attila the Hun30,000-50,000 men Romans Flavius AetiusTheodoric I30,000-50,000 men Battle of Chalons Summary In the years preceding 450, Roman control over Gaul and its other outlying provinces had grown weak. That year, Honoria, the sister, of Emperor Valentinian III, offered her hand in marriage to Attila the Hun with the promise that she would deliver half the Western Roman Empire as her dowry. Long a thorn in her brothers side, Honoria had earlier been married to Senator Herculanus in an effort to minimize her scheming. Accepting Honorias offer, Attila demanded that Valentinian deliver her to him. This was promptly refused and Attila began preparing for war. Attilas war planning was also encouraged by the Vandal king Gaiseric who wished to wage war on the Visigoths. Marching across the Rhine in early 451, Attila was joined by the Gepids and Ostrogoths. Through the first parts of the campaign, Attilas men sacked town after town including Strasbourg, Metz, Cologne, Amiens, and Reims. As they approached Aurelianum (Orleans), the citys inhabitants closed the gates forcing Attila to lay siege. In northern Italy, Magister militum Flavius Aetius began mustering forces to resist Attilas advance. Moving into southern Gaul, Aetius found himself with a small force consisting primarily of auxiliaries. Seeking aid from Theodoric I, king of the Visigoths, he was initially rebuffed. Turning to Avitus, a powerful local magnate, Aetius finally was able to find assistance. Working with Avitus, Aetius succeeded in convincing Theodoric to join the cause as well as several other local tribes. Moving north, Aetius sought to intercept Attila near Aurelianum. Word of Aetius approach reached Attila as his men were breaching the citys walls. Forced to abandon the attack or be trapped in the city, Attila began retreating northeast in search of favorable terrain to make a stand. Reaching the Catalaunian Fields, he halted, turned, and prepared to give battle. On June 19, as the Romans approached, a group of Attilas Gepids fought a large skirmish with some of Aetius Franks. Despite foreboding predictions from his seers, Attila gave the order to form for battle the next day. Moving from their fortified camp, they marched towards a ridge that crossed the fields. Playing for time, Attila did not give the order to advance until late in the day with the goal of allowing his men to retreat after nightfall if defeated. Pressing forward they moved up the right side of the ridge with the Huns in the center and the Gepids and Ostrogoths on the right and left respectively. Aetius men climbed the left slope of the ridge with his Romans on the left, the Alans in the center, and Theodorics Visigoths on the right. With the armies in place, the Huns advanced to take the top of the ridge. Moving quickly, Aetius men reached the crest first. Taking the top of the ridge, they repulsed Attilas assault and sent his men reeling back in disorder. Seeing an opportunity, Theodorics Visigoths surged forward attacking the retreating Hunnic forces. As he struggled to reorganize his men, Attilas own household unit was attacked forcing him to fall back to his fortified camp. Pursuing, Aetius men compelled the rest of the Hunnic forces to follow their leader, though Theodoric was killed in the fighting. With Theodoric dead, his son, Thorismund, assumed command of the Visigoths. With nightfall, the fighting ended. The next morning, Attila prepared for the expected Roman attack. In the Roman camp, Thorismund advocated assaulting the Huns but was dissuaded by Aetius. Realizing that Attila had been defeated and his advance stopped, Aetius began to assess the political situation. He realized that if the Huns were completely destroyed, that the Visigoths would likely end their alliance with Rome and would become a threat. To prevent this, he suggested that Thorismund immediately return to the Visigoth capital at Tolosa to claim his fathers throne before one of his brothers seized it. Thorismund agreed and departed with his men. Aetius used similar tactics to dismiss his other Frankish allies before withdrawing with his Roman troops. Initially believing the Roman withdrawal to be a ruse, Attila waited several days before breaking camp and retreating back across the Rhine. Aftermath Like many battles in this time period, precise casualties for the Battle of Chalons are not known. An extremely bloody battle, Chalons ended Attilas 451 campaign in Gaul and damaged his reputation as an invincible conqueror. The following year he returned to assert his claim to Honorias hand and ravaged northern Italy. Advancing down the peninsula, he did not depart until speaking with Pope Leo I. The victory at Chalons was one of the last significant victories achieved by the Western Roman Empire. Sources Medieval Sourcebook: Battle of ChalonsHistorynet: Battle of Chalons
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is Education The Key For Global Empowerment - 1053 Words
Is Education the Key to Global Empowerment? Unlike what is the case in the US, globally primary education is far from a guarantee. Every year, millions of children are going uneducated, stripping the intellectual capacity of many impoverished nations. No segment of the global population does this more acutely effect than girls. While many societies feel a strong cultural push educate boys, the same pressures are often absent when it comes to girls. Insert link to article on Michelle Obama Why is this important? Increasing access to education not only increases the intellectual ceiling of a region, but it has the power in revolutionizing the lives of millions. Each additional year of schooling will increase future wages of an†¦show more content†¦Contrast this to other areas of the globe where entire segments of the population are not allowed to drive, vote, travel, or even work. Their agency is dramatically restricted due to a host of governmental and cultural structural issues. I have been aware of this issue for some time now by gleaning information through isolated news articles and speakers. I must admit, however, I did not understand the full scope of the problems faced by this universal underclass of citizens until I read the book Half the Sky, written by married New York Times reporters Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. I picked up this book on the recommendation of my girlfriend and found myself unable to put it down. Insert picture of book The book is an account of the wide range of structural issues faced by women in third world nations. The couple has traveled the globe as reporters and share their findings along with a list of action steps they believe should be taken. They did a phenomenal job both in detailing the horrors faced by women around the world and also the reasons to be optimistic about a brighter future. There is no need to mince words, women across the globe are subject to horrible, unthinkable situations: rampant human sex trafficking, forced child prostitution, honor killings, public gang rapes, genital mutilation, hunger, childbirth complications, lack of access to medical care, and lack of
Poetry 3 Essay Example For Students
Poetry 3 Essay Since the dawn of time, human beings have been in a constant struggle to survive. Whether you are a man or women, black or white, rich or poor, the hardships of life have seemed to bind us together in a very cruel world. Many poets write about poverty, envy, and the outcome of war which are just a few of the many battles people fight everyday.Poems such as â€Å"Women Work†, â€Å"Richard Corey†, and â€Å"The Sad Children’s Story†define the different meanings of life. â€Å"Women Work,†a poem by Maya Angelou, is the story of the monotony of a poor women’s day to day existence. It never changes; housework, feed and dress the kids, shop, cook, and work the fields. The only solace, the only redemption, is when she will become one with nature. She has no material goods to show for her hard work, but she has peace in the fact that the world around her is all that is hers. She says, â€Å"Shine on me, sunshine, rain on me, rain, fall softly, dewdrops, and cool my brow again.†The rain and the dewdrops symbolize tears falling on her in her final resting-place. She then says, â€Å"Storm, blow me from here with your fiercest wind. Let me float across the sky, ‘till I can rest again.†The storm represents death and the taking away of her soul to her heavenly inheritance. â€Å"Fall gentle snowflake, cover me with white cold icy kisses and let me rest tonight,†is the image of snow falling on her grave. The last sta nza is, â€Å"Sun, rain, curving sky, mountain, oceans, leaf and stone, star shine, moon glow, you’re all that I can call my own.†This last section sums up her beliefs that she finds comfort and eternal peace in nature. To her, death is nature. Edwin Arlington Robinson wrote the poem â€Å"Richard Cory†which is a fine example of envy. What you see is not always what you get. The poem states, â€Å"In fine, we thought he was everything to make us wish that we were in his place.†This line tells the reader that Richard Cory was a well know, well respected man of the community, but the people were naive to think that with riches and power comes happiness. They wanted to be like him so bad that their struggle was to attempt to live the lifestyle he was living. â€Å"So on we worked, and waited for the light and went without meat and cursed the bread,†is a perfect example of the lengths people will go to attain what they perceive is the ideal life. However, the last sentence states â€Å"And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, went home and put a bullet through his head.†All is never what it seems. In the poem â€Å"The Sad Children’s Story†, written by Grace Paley, it describes the hardships our children’s children will have to overcome due to the careless actions of their elders. It also exemplifies the long-term effects of the devastation of war, and the attitude that prevails even today that whomever causes that devastation will not have to answer to those who will suffer from it. â€Å"This house is a wreck †¦Your papers are all over the place, the chairs are covered with books, and look, brown leaves are pilled on the floor under the wandering Jews.†This stanza illustrates what happens when matters get out of control. For example, the house is a wreck due to the uncontrollable effect of war. â€Å"Your face is a wreck†¦There are lines all over your face, your necks like curious turtles. Why did you let yourself go? Where are you going without us?†The face and the lines symbolize that the person is old and aged beyond his year s. The necks like curious turtles symbolize a person hiding and ashamed of their actions. When the children ask why did you let yourself go and where are you going, they are really trying to say how can you leave us without rectifying what you have done and why are you leaving us here alone to deal with your disaster. â€Å"The world is a wreck†¦there are bombs all over the place there’s no water the fields are poisoned,†is the visual image of the horrendous outcome of war. â€Å"Why did you leave things like this?†begs an answer. The whole poem deals with, regardless of what happens, how does one generation explain what they did to the generations to come? What has happened is that the children of the people who allowed the war to take place, are bringing home their children only to find destruction and no explanation. The poem can be summed up in the last sentence, â€Å"Where can we go said the children, what can we say to our children.†Life is a struggle. Life is not easy. The three poems show and define the frailty of man and his environment. We strive to live the good life, be the good person, and do the right things, but, more often than not, we fail. There are no easy, if any, answers. We go through life by living one day at a time, and hopefully we will learn from our mistakes.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Management Plan Research Paper Essay Example
Management Plan Research Paper Essay Introduction Today when taking a bottle of shampoo or a tube of toothpaste off the shelf in the pharmacy we do not usually take time to analyze these products from a business point of view. This applies not only to these small products of personal hygiene, but also to bigger products. However, when looking into it one may see that creating an idea of a product, thinking of channels to distribute it, coming up with advertising strategies, locating funds for the new product and many many other tasks are a vast part of the product history that is usually not known to the consumers. In my paper I would like to present a report of a sales manager (whose role I will take upon) who is telling the story about a company (imaginary one) where a new product line was successfully introduced and managed. The below report will provide the reader with background information about the company as well as all the aspects of the product development in detail. The Company My name is Roger Peters and I am a sales manager at the Bella Cosmetics Company. I was appointed to this position about a year and a half ago after having worked at the company for two years as a junior manager. I am sure you have heard a lot about Bella Cosmetics Company, I am also sure that you come across this name every time you look through your morning paper on our way to work. You read about this company, you hear about it on the radio, you see it on TV. I am certain that it seems to you that Bella Cosmetics is a magnate that makes its competitors shiver. Yes, all of the above is true, however it has not always been this way, and, in fact, such popularity came to Bella Cosmetics after it had introduced a new product line. This new product line, as you have probably guessed is the BE MINE perfume line. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Plan Research Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Management Plan Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Management Plan Research Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer But let me provide you with some basic information about Bella Cosmetics. The company was originated in 1996 by Madeline Fisher – a woman of great character and outstanding business grip. Madeline loved taking care of her appearance and she wanted to create a company that would manufacture products to help other women look beautiful. Though, Madeline narrowed her business down to only producing perfumes. Madeline’s plan was to combine various natural essences with oils and already existing smells that would produce original and unforgettable perfume samples. By the end of 1997 the first line of Bell Cosmetics perfumes was launched. The line was successful, however Madeline was not satisfied with the result and set her heart on achieving greater success at the market. In 1998 the company has started a thorough research and development campaign. More than forty perfumers and chemists were hired and the whole team started working together on creating extraordinary smells. In 2000 the company presented the market with the second perfume line named LIGHT THE FIRE INSIDE YOU. The line consisted of diverse dynamic and active smells for wild and vigorous women. This was the line that brought the company success and recognition. This line was so popular with people that the company could not keep up with the high demand. Madeline chose to enjoy the hype around the perfume line and started to work energetically on developing a new even more brilliant line. This line now carries the name BE MINE. Mission and Vision Bella Cosmetics is a company dedicated to making the lives of women more beautiful. We understand that every woman is fathomless fount of beauty and it is our honor to help define and emphasize this fount. Our mission is to create scents that will suit every woman at every age, because without a shadow of doubt a woman is beautiful and fabulous at absolutely any age. Additionally, at Bella Cosmetics we strive to set an example for treasuring and pampering women, not just in the world of beauty, but in everyday world. With the latest fragrance line Bella Cosmetics is one of the leading medium-size manufacturers and retailers of fragrances in the country. As of now, we are not willing to stop and soon are planning to indulge out customers with an absolutely revolutionary perfume line. Bella Cosmetics is planning to continue being a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Finally, it is one of Bella Cosmetics’ goals to nurture a winning network of partners and build mutual loyalty. Sales Objectives Before talking about the way sales are integrated within our company and more precisely about our target group. I would like to describe in more detail our new fragrance that brought such success to the company. BE MINE line involves six different perfumes of alike, though different scents, this rather wide range of scents in the product line allows women of different ages and different tastes to purchase the BE MINE that would suit them perfectly. All the fragrances of the line come in bottles of 30 ml, 45 ml, or 60 ml. The bottles themselves are designed in a way that they at one attract the attention of the customer, even before he/she gets a chance to sample the perfume. The six scents of BE MINE perfume fabulous sprays for women. They are a charming and comfy fragrance along with an attractive combination of jasmine, sandalwood, a mixture of floral orchids, violets, rose, and blackberry musk. BE MINE is the product rich in tradition and memorable in appeal. Target group As it has been made clear before, the target group of our new product line was the women of all ages, starting from girls in their early teens. Of course, when launching the product we understood that our target group was a bit too broad, though, as Bella Cosmetics Company only operates on the market of our city N. and has not gone international or even cross-border yet, we decided to limit the target group to the women of all ages who were then living in the city and thus would be introduced to the new line. It has to also be mentioned that the products of Bella Cosmetics are targeted mainly at women with medium income, who are not able to afford purchasing Christian Dior or Chanel perfumes, though are willing to follow the latest trends. Madeline Fisher, the founder, was aware of the greatest importance of learning about the target group when it comes to running a small business. She knew that without knowing anything about this group this small business could actually fail. To determine the target group for our local business we first of all wrote down demographic data about the customers, after we put effort into brainstorming about psychographics, that includes things like lifestyle, social class, opinion, attitudes and beliefs, etc. Then we pulled our information together and that gave us the perfect picture of who our ideal customer was going to be. Finally, after that we conducted market research and purchased the names and addresses of specific customers that were looking for, based on information that we provided. When the product was launched and it became winning, the company focused on the integration of sales. The program for sales integration was launched in order to ensure that there would not be a separation between the field sales representatives and the rest of the company. We understood that only with the right communication and flat organizational structure our company would be able to become one of the local top players. The first step we took on the way to sales integration understood that we could not expect the same level of devotion and enthusiasm from all the sales people we employ. Thus, base the expectation and pressure level we have on the sales forces on three main points: (a) their skill set, and (b) their compensation plan. Thus, what we do at the company is we try to allocate positions within the sales forces to those whose abilities better match a given task. In fact, the same is done within the office personnel and sale personnel. This allows for every task in the com pany to be carried out for a person who is willing to do it and has the needed skills to, and is achieved through paper systems, call reports, etc. Moreover, the company possesses a special system where the data is shared by all those with a need to know it. Marketing Activities In Bella Cosmetics we understand that coming up with a new product is not a pledge for success, though, suitable marketing activities are. When we first launched the BE MINE line we were sure it would be very popular with customers, though we had to work extensively to figure out the right distribution channels, and market strategies. When talking about the channels of distribution we assume the set of interdependent organizationsâ€â€such as wholesalers, retailers, and sales agentsâ€â€involved in making a product available for use by the customers. In Bella Cosmetics we chose to have two distribution channels’ structures: the two-level structure, and the three-level structure. The two-level structure is one, in which goods and services move directly from the manufacturer to the consumer. Thus, it is possible for our consumers to order products directly from Bella Cosmetics and we fulfill these orders through our own physical distribution system. However, we also find it is necessary to have a three-level channel structure that involves retailers that serve as intermediaries between consumers and Bella Cosmetics. Retailers order products directly from us (the producer), then sell those products directly to the consumer. Thus, one can see that Bella Cosmetics’ products can be purchased through various channels and as we are operating in a rather small city, soon most of the people became aware of where their favorite fragrances could be purchased. In our opinion, applying the three-level structure of distribution ha s provided the company and our consumers with some benefits, such as, a better assortment of products, improved efficiency, reutilization of transactions, and easier searching for goods as well as customers (Weitz1, Sandy, 2008, pp. 305-307). Marketing strategy In this section I would like to present several steps Bella Cosmetics took in the framework of out marketing strategy, which as you have already seen, is very successful. Of course, when the company launched its new revolutionary fragrance line it started a massive advertising campaign. The new product was advertised in the newspapers and on TV. In the biggest department stores Bella Cosmetics’ sales employees were eager to offer the customers samples of the new perfume. Furthermore, Bella Cosmetics made an agreement with the local company that produces hair-care products. According to that agreement, a small bottle of BE MINE perfume was attached to the bottle of Company X’s shampoo (that was already very popular). Also, Bella Cosmetics’ well-planned website was also in hand when advertising company’s product. Additionally, two new Bella Cosmetics Fragrance stores were opened in the city with the emphasis on the new fragrance line BE MINE.Though, there is much more to our marketing strategy than pure advertising. First of all, we are willing to gain customer confidence. Thus, we made in our goal to use experience, quality, dependability, excellent customer service, and added value to win the confidence of our prospective customers. Then, we assured that we would penetrate awareness of our target audience by using integrated marketing strategy, thus raising the awareness of our product. We at Bella Cosmetics also make sure that there is sincere enthusiasm, in both print and in person. Thus, we carefully chose our sale force in order to ensure that our wonderful products will be delivered in the best way. I have mentioned earlier in the paper that BE MINE perfume was so popular that we could not match the demand. This was also one of our strategies, we were willing to impose a deadline and to create some kind of urgency, showing that it takes time and effort to get our product. Sales Force At Bella Cosmetics we are dedicated to employing only enthusiastic and professional employees. Our employees represent the company and what it stands for, thus the selection process is very strict and lengthy. The employees are usually recruited through the online platform available at the company’s website or through assessment events that are organized once in six months on the premises of the company. At the assessment events the perspective employees get a chance to get to know the company better as well as show the management why they are the right people to be hired. One of the requirements for the employees of the company is holding at least one academic degree and in general be an intellectual individual. This is so, because our sales forces have to talk the customers into buying our product, and we want to be sure that out representatives make an impression of intelligent people, from whom it is useful to take advice. Our employees receive high compensation, which is based on the set sum every employees receives every month, and the percentage of the monthly’ sales. Of course, every employee also receives a Christmas, and Easter bonus on their paycheck. Currently, the company employs fifty employees that are involved directly in selling Bella Cosmetics fragrances. The company is rather small, as well as the city we are operating in is not a megapolis, thus this amount of sales personnel that is spread between the four stores of the company is very efficient. In order to ensure that the employees stay motivated and professional we have training programs and workshops that are organized every three months. Furthermore, Madeline Fisher, the CEO of the company, has come up with an idea of rotating the sales force from store to store every two months. Thus, every employee working in sales gets a chance to work in different locations. This keeps the motivation high and prevents boredom caused by the mundane workplace. Financial Planning All the sections of the above profit have focused on describing how big of a success was Bella Cosmetics’ new line. Thus, it is clear that big part of the budget is generated through the revenues from the sales. Though, currently, Madeline Fisher is involved into negotiations with potential investors, thus the capital is expected to raise soon. A big part in the financial planning of Bella Cosmetics is a sales forecast that is made for every quarter estimating what the expected income and expenses can be. The figures are based on the each previous quarter’s actual numbers. Using this system of creating a forecast and comparing that to actual financials on quarterly basis the company is able to focus on income areas that are falling behind and stop expenses that are not necessary. At Bella Cosmetics we believe that the best way for forecasting sales is to use a financial program, meaning tracking all revenues and expenses using the software. As it has been mentioned already the income of every employee in the company depends on the sales of the particular month. Thus, the financial resources are allocated differently every month. Conclusion In conclusion I would like to say that Bella Cosmetics is a great company to work for and it is a pleasure for me to be part of the activities of this organization. As you have seen above Bella Cosmetics had put a great amount of effort into creating the perfume line BE MINE, and is now fairly enjoying the fruits of this hard work.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Death of a Saleman; general Vision essays
Death of a Saleman; general Vision essays This modern American 20th Century play by Arthur Miller, presents us with a very pessimistic view of life, filled with the social realism concerning the plight of the modern man. In particularly this is promoted by the fake existence that is the American Dream. Willy believes that one who is well liked and personally attractive will deservedly acquire the comforts and success offered by modern American life. However these superficial qualities have to face against a more rewarding understanding of the American Dream supplied by the reality of hard work without complaint. This is in fact the real key to success and is demonstrated by Miller through the likes of Bernard. Willy has lost at trying to live the American Dream and the play can be viewed as commentary about society. Willy was someone who worked all his life by the machine of democracy and commercialism that is modern America, only to be then spit mercilessly out like a piece of fruit. He is lost in the past and constantly tormented with hopes and dreams he had years ago that have since fallen through. His flashbacks provide a fundamental structure and understanding of the play. It is his version of the American Dream, which causes his psychological decline, unwilling to accept the disparity between the American Dream and his own life. Miller seems to criticize the subject of capitalism. Life is seen as a competition where one must get ahead of the next fella and force yourself to conform to white-collar success. Afterall money defines success. Miller uses the jungle that Ben talks about as a metaphor of life. Its is the same jungle Willy talks about when he tells Happy; .... The woods are burning... Towards the end Willy talks of planting a garden. I think this is some sort of motif provided by Miller, the idea of leaving something behind. Willy has yearned to make a differe...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Wardens and Guardians
Wardens and Guardians Wardens and Guardians Wardens and Guardians By Maeve Maddox A discussion prompted by Daniel’s word of the day ward put me in mind of one of my favorite etymological factoids: the relationship between words like warden and guardian. English suffers a bad rap for its spelling, but the variety of spellings is an inevitable side effect of the richness of vocabulary acquired by borrowing words from different languages at different periods of history. From 1066 until about 1250, English and French were spoken side by side in England. Then, because of political changes, the French-speaking ruling class shifted to English. The words warden and guardian are good examples of the linguistic mingling that went on between the two languages at that time. Old English had the verb weardian to keep guard, and the noun weard a guard, a watchman, a sentry, Old French had the verb guarder, â€Å"to guard.†Speakers of Norman French were people who had been Vikings a hundred years before William of Normandy invaded England in 1066. They brought their own distinctive pronunciations to French. One peculiarity was that Normans tended to pronounce the letter combination gu– as w-. For example, Old French guarder, â€Å"to guard,†became warder in Norman French. However, Parisian French kept the gu spelling and pronunciation. As a result, English ended up with words derived from both forms The OED gives numerous meanings for the word warden, including one that is identical to one of its definitions for guardian. In general usage, however, a guardian is a â€Å"protector,†while a â€Å"warden†is a â€Å"keeper.†A similar pair of words is warranty and guarantee. Both words have the sense of an assurance that a certain standard of quality or integrity will be upheld. As a legal term, warranty means n. a written statement of good quality of merchandise, clear title to real estate or that a fact stated in a contract is true. An express warranty is a definite written statement and implied warranty is based on the circumstances surrounding the sale or the creation of the contract. A new car comes with a warranty. If anything goes wrong with the car during a specified period, the warranty is a document that entitles the owner to have the problem corrected without charge. The word guarantee is often used as a synonym for warranty. However, a guarantee can be something more concrete. Warring sides might exchange hostages as a guarantee that neither will fight during an agreed period of truce. A parent might confiscate a child’s cell phone as a guarantee that he won’t be texting instead of doing homework. Etymology nerds can have fun looking for modern French words beginning with gu that correspond to English words beginning with w-. For example: war/guerre: Old English wyrre; Norman French werre; Modern French guerre. And of course there’s William the Conqueror whom the French refer to as Guillaume le Conquà ©rant. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About Numbers"Certified" and "Certificated"50 Plain-Language Substitutions for Wordy Phrases
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Why would a firm choose to trade internationally, reasons and the plan Assignment
Why would a firm choose to trade internationally, reasons and the plan - Assignment Example Your assignments requires that you utilise at least six references in addition to your text, preferably including some journal articles. You may use no more than two URL Websites (This does not refer to journal articles) Background: Content Incontinence (CI) is an Australian Biomedical Company. It is a third generation offshoot business of a family controlled company. The founders, two German migrants with exceptional engineering skills have pioneered plastic injection moulding in Australia and have a worldwide reputation for their injection moulds. They supply industry worldwide with their products manufactured to precise specification in Australia. They have followed the Mittelstand philosophy of Germany's manufacturing sector. Two third generation members of the family have reached the pinnacle of surgery and pioneered new surgery and techniques to treat patients su ffering from bladder and urinary tract illnesses and also from prostate problems including cancer. Their most recent treatment treats incontinence by inserting an artificial sphincter around the urinary tract to allow incontinent patients to control the emptying of the bladder. This is done by activating a micro chip inserted in a flap in the abdomen using a small device much like a remote control for a motor car. ... facing the company is how to internationalize this new and potentially huge business. The traditional family approach of manufacturing and exporting to specification may not be the best way. The product is not just the hardware (artificial sphincter, controller, software and switching device) but the diagnostic techniques, the operation, the knowledge and experience. Your task is to answer the following questions in the context of this company Question 1: a. Why would a firm like this choose to trade internationally? State your reasons clearly and concisely. b. Describe concisely the main types of international business this firm is likely to set up in the short term and long term. Give reasons for your choices. c. What does the term globalisation means in relation to this business? 1. a) Incontinence is the problem where the patient has a problem in controlling the emptying o f the urinary bladder. It becomes an involuntary action where the patient complains of urine leakage (Minassian, Drutz & Al-Badr, 2003, p.1). There are many physical as well as psychological problems that can lead to it. Urinary incontinence occurs globally in huge numbers mainly affecting the female population. In a report it was found that UI was common in the white female population than in the black (Minassian, Drutz & Al-Badr, 2003, p.331). Apart from the European and the African continent, it is also prevalent in the Asian countries like India. A report in the newspaper The Hindu in India showed that a huge number of the people especially females suffered from the problem. More acute was the fact that these patients felt embarrassed to consult the doctor (Varma, 2012). It is here that the Australian company CI can establish its foothold. The company
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 18
Case study - Essay Example These areas are responsible for feeling and expressing your emotions, releasing hormones in stress conditions, for communication inside the brain and for the learning and memory purposes. Brain cells that are neurons use chemicals named neurotransmitters and these are responsible for communication in brain. Alcohol can cause a change in the activities of neurotransmitters and an imbalance takes place in their actions which inturn will result in seizures, sedation, depression, agitation and other disorders related to mood and behaviour. In 2003, Aaron M. White found that alcohol interferes with the brain ability to make new long term memories and for the ability to keep the fresh information active for limited period of time. Alcohol consumption in this case leads to memory impairment and as a consequence partial or complete blackouts occur. The end result will be periods of memory loss while drinking. Martin, Singleton & Hiller (2003) described Thiamine, also termed as Vitamin B1 to be one of the essential nutrients required by tissues of the body including brain. The enzymes that use thiamine need to function effectively or otherwise they will result affecting the neurotransmitters in the brain. The brain requires thiamine for its nerve cells (neurons); other cells in the nervous system also rely on thiamine. Thiamine deficiency makes the work of these enzymes slow considerably. As they are harmful for the brain cells, the most severe outcome can be in the form of brain damage. In 2008, Harrigan, Maguire & Laszlo Boros suggested that alcohol consuming patients are mostly found to report very low level of thiamine in their blood which mostly results in neuro-degeneration. This degeneration is linked with the brain area called cerebellum. Cerebellum is directly connected with alcohol addiction as alcohol makes a direct impact on it. But thiamine deficiency is found to place much more impact on cerebellum than alcohol can. 3.
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Ultimate Zen :: essays research papers
The one problem with something being lost is the feeling one has for the object once it is gone. That felling of need and longing just creates pain. One could get rid of pain and loss if one could detach one’s self from these tokens. All emotional pain and suffering could be obliterated if one could think of all things, even people, as just things that come and go. This is not an excuse not to care about anybody. It is just a way not to wreck one’s life after something important has left. Sometimes, when a family member or spouse dies, people mourn for an unhealthy amount of time. Morning the death of a loved one is a healthy thing to do, but to let it consume the rest of the living’s life is completely unhealthy. These same feelings could be put towards sex as well. By detaching one’s self from the emotional part of it, there would be no regret, no guilt, no worrying, no sense of betrayal. It could be considered something fun to do with a friend, or merel y something to pass the time.      One problem with sex is the emotional attachment that one gets to the other person after the act. This attachment is stronger in women than in men, but most men still feel it, even though it might not be as strong as the woman’s feelings. This sense of attachment will turn into abandonment if one partner does not speak to or see the other again. By detaching emotion from the entire act, this feeling of abandonment will never be felt. Sex does not always have to be between a couple either. It could just be between friends. For example: Instead of going to a movie together, two people could stay in and fornicate. This is where the whole friends-with-benefits idea comes from. They do not need to be with each other all the time and do not mind when they see other people, so just use sex as a recreational sport. It could take the place of baseball as the American Pastime.      Another emotion that could stem from sex is guilt. If a man was to sleep with a married woman, or visa versa, both would normally feel some sort of guilt. By detaching themselves from the entire act, they would feel nothing. One would be helping the other one by fulfilling needs that were not being fulfilled by the married one’s spouse.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Crimes Against Children Essay
ABSTRACT Child abuse clearly has a negative impact on children and can result in behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and developmental difficulties. This may lead to greater difficulties later in life that will extend into adulthood. The use of proper investigation techniques and appropriate handling of cases, however, can result in less traumatization for child abuse victims. I. Introduction According to Hess & Orthmann (2010), law enforcement agencies are charged with investigating all crimes, but the responsibility is greater when children are involved. Because children are more vulnerable than other members of society, their protection under the law must be greater. Crimes against children cover an extensive range of crimes, including but not limited to: maltreatment, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, abduction, trafficking and molestation. Child abuse investigations involve many challenges and therefore warrant specific techniques and considerations for successful outcomes in terms of cases solved and prosecutions. This paper will begin by defining specific terms that are germane to the topic of crimes against children. The next section will provide a scope of the problem concerning crimes against children. The following section will offer a theory framework to account for offenders of crimes against children. The fifth section will offer a literature review of current research findings regarding crimes against children investigative techniques. This is followed by a discussion section that will identify strategies and recommendations for successful investigative outcomes. Finally, the last section will summarize and conclude the important aspects of crimes against children investigation strategies as they relate to successful outcomes and prosecution. The significance of this paper is that it contributes to the criminal justice system by critically reviewing investigative strategies and techniques as they relate to their mission of successful outcomes in crimes against children cases. This paper is written for colleagues and clerisy who have a professional or academic interest in reducing crimes against children through utilizing the best investigative strategies and techniques. II. Maltreatment of Children Defined Maltreatment means to treat someone roughly or abusive (Hess & Orthmann, 2010). The four common types of maltreatment include neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse. A. Child Neglect – The failure to meet a child’s basic needs. This could include starving a child, or not keeping a child clean and well-kempt. B. Physical Abuse – Refers to violence against a child. While the laws may vary from state to state regarding the specifics of what constitutes physical abuse towards a child, this term refers to excessive abuse such as punching, strangling, or causing bodily harm to a child. C. Emotional Abuse – Involves causing fear or feelings of unworthiness in a child. This may include hurling insults at a child, or intimidating a child. D. Sexual abuse – Sexually molesting a child, performing sexual acts, statutory rape, and seduction (Hess et al, 2010). III. Scope of the Problem The extent of the problem is described by two conflicting views. One on side of the spectrum, there is a maximalist alarmist perspective and on the other side there is the minimalist skeptical perspective. The maximalist alarmist perspective believes that child abuse and neglect is reaching epidemic proportions and unless drastic steps are taken child abuse will continue and only get worse. The minimalists consider the maximalist view to be overly exaggerated and overstated for their own self-serving purpose (Hess et al, 2010). According to Juvenile Offenders and Victims 2006 National Report, child fatalities are the most tragic consequences of maltreatment. An estimated 1,530 children died because of abuse or neglect. 41.1 percent of child fatalities were caused by neglect where physical abuse was also a major contributor. More than three-quarters of the children who died because of child abuse were younger than four years old. However, some experts believe that child fatalities may be underreported by 50 to 60 percent (Hess et al, 2010). The effects of child abuse are upsetting, disheartening and potentially very dangerous. Child abuse and neglect result in serious as well as permanent physical, mental and emotional damage. Unfortunately, the effects of child abuse may lead some victims to behave in future criminal behavior (Hess et al, 2010). Emotional damage from the effects of child abuse is disturbing. It may cause the victim to have an increased level of aggression along with self-destructive tendencies. Antisocial behavior can put not only the family in harm’s way, but also the community (Hess et al, 2010). Antisocial behaviors along with physical aggression are two of the most constant outcomes of physical abuse. Fear and anger are also incorporated with abused children. Some studies have suggested that childhood abuse and neglect will reduce cognitive skills and can lead to attention defi cit disorders. In addition to deficit disorders, neglected and physically abused children do not do well in school. These children tend to produce low grades, lower standardized tests scores and much retention in the same grade, but neglected children are far worse off than those who are physically abused (Chalk, Gibbons, Scarupa, 2002). IV. Theory Framework to Account for Offenders Crimes against children have numerous broad based causations rooted in criminological, psychological, and biological theory constructs. From a crimes against children investigative perspective, the power and control theory, (as a subset of conflict criminology), as posited by Hagan, Gillis, and Simpson (1990) accounts for a significant niche of offenders. In their theory Hagan et al. (1990) describe the power bestowed to males by the patriarchal system of marriage. While primarily an explanation of domestic violence, the power and control theory also incorporates domestic aspect of child abuse, neglect, and sexual assault (Hagan et al., 1990). Hess and Orthmann (2010) add further support in their claim that 90 percent of child abuse suspects are parents or an adult known to the child. Tanner (2009) notes limitation of the power and control theory is it does not explain or predict violent behavior, only that offending behavior toward children does occur in significant numbers in a pat riarchal construct. Even with this limitation, the power and control theory is useful in identifying offenders and developing useful policies and strategies in crimes against children investigations. V. Literature Review A specific technique for a better outcome for handling child victim cases would be to establish a children’s advocacy center. Allowing these centers to place law enforcement officers, child protection workers, prosecutors, therapists, medical professionals all in one center will be to coordinate investigations, prosecution and treatment to the young victim. These centers can conduct child-friendly interviews rather than multiple interviews that may be in an interrogation room or in the house where the abused victim was neglected to such criminal activity. By placing children in an advocacy center and using a multidisciplinary team approach, it is easier for a team of professionals to work together to ensure that the maltreatment of the child is responded to in the best possible way with the least amount of further trauma. These centers â€Å"†¦improve the quality of information and increase the number of successful prosecutions†(U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1999). Unfortunately in the criminal justice system, law enforcement agencies must vie for federal funding and therefore resources like advocacy centers may not always be available in all cities and towns to coordinate such a team of professionals. Another idea that has been proven to work better than others would be to bring other agencies together and form a multidisciplinary team approach to the situation. The purpose of bringing these teams and agencies together is to limit the amount of times the child is interviewed, to coordinate intervention, and to reduce the amount duplication of agency procedures (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1999) Joint and coordinated responses help cases not â€Å"fall through the cracks†(Hess & Orthmann, 2010). Joint interviews and monitored interviews will help reduce inconsistencies that may occur and improve the quality of information that is given by the child (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1999). VI. Discussion/Recommendations Investigating child neglect and maltreatment cases can be very demanding and is perceived by prosecutors as the most difficult to prosecute. Protecting the child from further harm, interviewing the child, and the need to involve other agencies are three challenges that occur when investigating child abuse and neglect (Hess et al, 2010). To help address these issues, there are some strategies in place to help children in need. To protect the child from further harm, under welfare regulations and codes, an officer may place a child in temporary custody without a warrant if there is an emergency (Hess et al, 2010). To help overcome challenges (i.e., short attention spans, difficulty discussing the abuse, and the fact the child was most likely told not to tell anyone) when interviewing a child, officers should consider the children’s age, their ability to describe what happened, and the retaliation by the suspect once the child â€Å"tells†(Hess et al, 2010). One idea w ould be to consider inviting a social worker or therapist who has studied child psychology and who is formally trained and has experience talking with troubled and abused children. VII. Conclusion Crimes which are committed against children have dire consequences, not just for the victims but for society as a whole. Police investigations of crimes against children require specific strategies and techniques for successful outcomes. With a wide scope of crimes being committed against children, law enforcement officials are charged with ensuring the safety of the child, and getting all the information about the crime from the child. This may involve bringing in social workers, creating children advocacy centers or other mental health professionals in order to provide an environment where children can feel they are safe to talk about what has happened. While some solutions to this problem may be expensive, time-consuming, or difficult; protecting the child is the ultimate goal for law enforcement and proper training for those who are involved in child abuse cases is paramount to bringing justice for these young victims. VIII. References Chalk, R., Gibbons, A., & Scarupa, H. (2002). The Multiple Dimensions of Child Abuse and Neglect: New Insights into an Old Problem. Research Brief, Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Hagan, J., Gillis, A. & Simpson J. (1990). Clarifying and extending the power and control theory. American Journal of Sociology, 9, (4), 1, 1024-37 Tanner, J. (2009). Teenage Troubles: Youth and Deviance in Canada, 3rd edition. Oxford Publishing U.S. Dept. of Justice. (1999). Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Recommendations to Improve the Criminal Justice Response to Child Victims and Witnesses. Office for Victims of Crime, 6, Electronic Source Only. Retrieved April 15, 2013 from: Hess, K. M., & Orthmann, C. H. (2010). Criminal Investigation (9th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
What Are Gender Roles - 1123 Words
Summer Evans Essay 4 Prof. LaTour Eng. 101 Specific Gender Roles What are gender roles? Gender roles are those that are portrayed by a certain gender identity. In other words, a male and/or female should act and dress as if their gender is supposed to as seen by society. Guys will wear shorts and a T-shirt while girls will wear dresses and skirts; that is just how society sees an individual. Men and women’s gender roles reflect on what others will think in today’s society. Society sees men and women playing their own role. We expect a woman to do things like cook, clean, and do laundry while we expect the men to work all day and earn the money that we as women spend. We are born with a specific gender, as we get older we start to†¦show more content†¦Society stereotypes gender roles, but believe that these specific roles do not reflect on how society today sees us. Society will judge and stereotype every little thing done in this world; it does not matter what gender role you are playing or what gender identity is presented. A quote in the text states, â€Å"People use femininity or masculinity to claim and communicate their membership in their assigned, or chosen, sex or gender. Others recognize our sex or gender more on the basis of these characteristics than on the basis of sex characteristics, which are usually largely covered by clothing in daily life†(Devor 475). In other words, this author is trying to say that it does not matter what a person looks like under or on top of their clothes. Society sees a person and treats them how they want to be treated and how they present themselves and their characteristics. Gender roles are over stereotyped. Society for example, believes women should be stay at home mothers while men should go out and work all day. Women should remain clean while men go out and get their hands dirty. 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