Thursday, October 31, 2019
What is art Purposes of art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
What is art Purposes of art - Essay Example Everyone understands what art is, yet there is hardly anyone, who can clearly define what art really is, because art is very practical, yet divine. It adds depth to our lives; it helps us to communicate emotions, feelings and thoughts. Art can be found everywhere around us, yet it has to come from within. Art is so common that at times it takes an effort to see it, yet it is also so rare and unique that, once you experience it, it lifts up the spirit and improves our lives. There is only one thing that is clear and sure about art – it always has a purpose. All of us are creative – each in his own unique way, and each of us pursue his creativity to a different extend. 3.Does art have to be visual and tangible? Explain There are different kinds of arts; some of the kinds are â€Å"visual arts†. Those are painting, sculpture, an architecture, film and photography etc. There are also other kinds of art, such as music, which is not visual by any means, and it cannot b e felt in any physical way, it is not tangible. Yet, just like a masterpiece of â€Å"visual†artwork has an effect on our senses, the same way music touches our hearts and oftentimes penetrates our senses. And the greatest effect on us has a combination of different kinds of art, like combination of visual art and music gives us theater and films. 4.For the sake of argument let’s say that the art world consists broadly of artists, art critics, museums, galleries, art dealers, art historians, art educators, art students and those who enjoy and appreciate art. Consider art as those things specifically intended to be art. Do you think that you are greatly separated from the art world? Explain. If art would only be something that we can experience in special places, such as museums and galleries; if the one could enter the world of art only with the people who gathered specifically to discuss art, or to admire it, then many people would be greatly separated from the art w orld. Fortunately, art is such an integral part of our lives that we can experience it every day. 5.Name 3 purposes of art and give an example of each. To communicate information – viewing works of great masters, we can learn historical details about people’s lives, events, etc. It can even simply tell us about emotions artist experiences; and much more. Social and political purposes – art can be a powerful way to convey a message, draw attention to problem and even to offer solutions. Spiritual purposes: architecture, literature, paintings and other arts are used to bare religious, spiritual, devotional messages. 6.What are some of the ideas art can communicate? How do you see these ideas communicated in your everyday life? Art can bring to attention wide spectrum of ideas, such a discrimination, patriotism, care for elderly, or even integrity and honesty, need for education and so much more. Mostly, in everyday life ideas are communicated through visual arts, such as television, photography, as well as music. 7. What structures or works of art are for spiritual sustenance? Are there any such structures in your community? There are various works of art that are used for spiritual sustenance, such as church buildings, sanctuaries, paintings, etc. Most communities have at least one building for worshiping, which is either a work of art in itself, or it is decorated with different artworks. 8. Briefly describe the subject matter in the art of Romare Bearden. There are many subjects Bearden addressed in his art – places he lived and worked in, landscapes, religious matter, jazz music and many more. Yet the subject matter that became his primary for 25 years is life of Afro Americans. 9. What does his art reveal about the time and place in which he (Bearden) lived? Bearden’s art reflects main concerns of the society of that time. It is easy to see that the world is really contrasting place, and at times the emotions artist expres ses about it are very mixed and complex. 10.What are three traits of creativity? Creativity is often intuitive, has a strong inner
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Analysis of Barbie Doll Essay Example for Free
Analysis of Barbie Doll Essay The Devastation of Social Pressure One would think that growing up would be a fun, not a worry in the world, happy experience. Yes, that is the way it should be, but that’s not always the case, especially for women. As girls season into women they realize they not only have to face the fact that they’re in a patriarchal society, but also the influences and pressure they face in the social aspect of things, such as their looks and body image. There is so much competition amongst girls, especially when transitioning into a woman and through most of their adulthood. So instead of being able to enjoy life and absorbing the true quality of it, we are side tracked with superficial, stereotypical, shallow thoughts and images of how we think life is supposed to be. Although, who’s to say what’s right and what’s wrong with the way we interpret things? Marge Piercy, who wrote the poem â€Å"Barbie Doll†, has a very strong view of how destructive social pressure can be to a girl through her transitioning stages into a woman. She expresses how the Barbie doll, the toy figurine that woman idealize, is, in fact, a method of corruption to a young girl. First and for most we must understand who the persona is in the poem, which is a woman, and more specifically Marge Piercy herself. She is observing a young girl going from Wolfe 2 childhood, adolescents, adulthood and then death in a roundabout way. Starting with the first stanza, of four, the persona explains of a young girl, and her playing with a doll, the Mattel’s Barbie doll to be precise. This doll is to be described as tall, blonde hair, blue eyes and it has the perfect body. The girl, â€Å"†¦presented dolls that pee-pee/and miniature GE stoves and irons/ and wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy†(2-4). The words iron, stove, and lipstick are all play-things for the girl, but are also identity markers. Such that the doll represents the ideal body image, the iron and stove tells us what type of work is expected of the girl when she becomes an adult (keep in mind that this poem was written in the nineteen seventies and that woman in the work force was still a very small percentage, thus women were still very domesticated) and the lipstick is to imply a sexual innuendo. In the last line in the first stanza the girl goes through puberty and no time is wasted before a classmate judges and criticizes her, â€Å"You have a great big nose and fat legs†(6). Going through puberty is a stage of growth. Adolescents become more aware of their social standing and sexual being. As we read further, the doll, she once played with, will create a major impact on her; in the aspect of her body image and the pressure she faces from her peers. In the second stanza we see how the woman is dissatisfied with herself even though she is â€Å"healthy and tested intelligent/possessed strong arms and back/ abundant sexual drive and manual dexterity†(7-9). The persona continues to say, â€Å"She went to and fro apologizing/Everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs†(10-11). The traits that this woman possesses, is in every way correct; however, she is so sure her physical traits are unacceptable to the culture. No matter what she sees in the mirror or what she hears, this won’t change her opinion about herself image. She has been brainwashed about her looks and she doesn’t think she is good enough. She goes around apologizing to everyone about the person she has become, believing there is no way she can change, at least in a healthy manner. In the third stanza we read how society is forcing the woman to change her healthy ways, physically, into something she isn’t. She does what she can to fit into society by, â€Å"†¦play[ing] coy/ exhorted to come on hearty/ exercise, diet, smile and wheedle†(12-14). She had so much pressure from every direction, she felt obligated to try and conform her body into what society viewed as ideal, which we know of as the Barbie doll toy. This idea was short lived. Instead of standing her grounds and accepting the individual that she is, she drowns. Society got the best of her, â€Å"Her good nature wore out/ like a fan belt†(15-16). She gave up and paid the ultimate price to be accepted in society, â€Å"†¦she cut off her nose and her legs/ and offered them up†(17-18). Now that she has removed her flaws she temporarily relinquishes her depression, weakness, and anxiety. Now that she has met the, impossible, unrealistic, standard, she can permanently wash her existences away and leave her shell of beauty behind. In the final Stanza, Piercy highlights the theme of the poem. Simply put, women aren’t accepted into society unless they represent the ideal woman. Now that the woman is free of body flaws and has had a makeover, she can be accepted into her culture even though we know this isn’t her true self. What must this say about the society she has been exposed to? In order to survive in this specific culture, if we’re not perfect, is to become someone we’re not. So not only do we have to try to live up to a standard that is not comprehendible but we also have to be fake. In the middle of the last stanza Piercy explains, â€Å"with the undertaker’s cosmetics painted on/a turned-up putty nose/dressed in a pink and white nightie†(20-22). The woman now has the superficial , but perfect, looks. She is manipulated (physically) so she can finally be recognized. Letting a society make this woman frail and surrender to being her own individual shows a lack of values and morals within herself. Having our own opinions, life experiences and ethics make us who we are and if we were all the same or are held up to the same expectations what would life be like? Would we all act like robots? Clones? As the woman has been re-configured, shallow talks are amongst her, â€Å"Doesn’t she look pretty? everyone said/Consummation at last/To every woman a happy ending†(23-25). Mission complete, she achieved her goal; she is pretty, unflawed, and looks like the ideal woman.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Power Supply In Desktop Computer Engineering Essay
Power Supply In Desktop Computer Engineering Essay Power supplies are used for making computer system weather it is desktop or tower to it is laptop it is must used. Here only desktop based computers power supplies are mentioned. A poor power supply can reduce the life time of a computer system. On the other hand a high quality Power supply can help to reduce the noise or heat generated within a computer system. So we should use good quality power supply but how we can come to know that this is good and this is bad power supply here are some of the points which make power supply good. Now a days power supplies generally work on almost +12V with at least 18A. This can also very for the good performance if the components are also increased. This paper discusses the comparison of old and current power supplies and also about the different types of power supplies that exist in these days. And discuss the specifications, prices and show the diagrams of them. Circuit of todays power supply Power supply mostly consist of transformer, capacitor, rectifier, cables, and connectors etc. the transfer is step down that is sued to covert the 220 voltage into required less voltage and rectifier is sued for the signals and capacitor issued to achieve at max 5 voltage continuously. This is all about the inside working of desktop power supply. There are many other things as well but the most important behavior is all of the discuss above. The internal working of the circuit in accordance to the signal is shown below. Internal working of power supply Schmatic of Todays Power Supply Circuit of old power supply In old power supplies the circuit was almost same and working as also the same but the difference was on the performance of individual components like the transformer do not provide their 100% correct work and we have to use other means of source for that and rectifier was not in the condition to handle the waves as it should be. The above diagram is of one of the old power supply and we can imagine the difference between old and new one by seeing just the internal structure of both the old and new (as above) power supply. First the circuit was complex and now days we have reduce that too. Disadvantage in old days power supply In past the power supplies used in desktop based computer had any issues. Some of them are listed here Noise Cost Power Efficiency Meant time between failures Circuit Size Compatibility Issue Noise: The old power supply had major problem of noise in that. These power supplies were not able to minimize the noise. Cost: These power supplies were also very costly because the circuit in these days were not common so buyer ahs to pay a lot for that. Power Efficiency: It was very poor in power efficiency as compared to now days. The difference was also due to the structure of the mother board as well but it also affects the efficiency of desktop based computers. Compatibility Issue: This can be called as father of all issues as old power supplies has the compatibility issue because if someones power supply break down mean get damage then it was very hard to find the power supply for the same kind of desktop base computer. And the internal structure was so complex that no one can repair else the manufacturer of that. So user has to face many problems due to this. Advantages of current power supply In todays power supplies we have gained a lot of benefits from the power supply which are Low or no Noise Meant time between failures Power Efficiency Low Noise The todays power supplies have reduced the problem of noise as well. To avoid lot of noise then there are a number of options available. The first option is that use larger fans that move more air through the power supplies and from the system as well at slower speed so we do not feel any kind of noise. Another option is that use silent power supplies that has no link with fans and it does not generate any kind of noise. Mean time between Failures For the current power supplies manufacturer have also increase the mean time of usage. And we can use them for large period of time. Because higher the meant time between failure, higher the quality of the power supply we use. Power Efficacy Modern power supplies have also gained the advantage by increasing the power efficiency of computer. As we know that power supplies convert voltages from wall outlets to lower levels in the desktop computer. During this conversion, some power is lost as heat. And the efficiency of desktop computer is determined by how much lower extra power must be put into the power supply to use the computer. And in todays supplies we have to put very low extra power to overcome the heat issue hence in advantage we have gained greater power efficiency.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Misunderstanding The Day We Were Dogs :: Day We Were Dogs Essays
Misunderstanding The Day We Were Dogs     Writers as well as many people make or mislabel stories. Magical, unreal, real, fantastic, and the sublime are just a few types of different labels that a person can use. The different types of stories are amusing and fun. The world is made up of all types of different labels of material for stories that people like to read and enjoy. Elana Garro is one of the Spanish authors who has written stories that have been mislabeled and put with other stories that were listed under the magical and the unreal. The short story "The Day We Were Dogs" is one of the stories that has been misplaced. Elana Garro wrote this story in 1993. The magical and the unreal of this story could easily be identified; during the first part of the story, the girls woke to find a day with two days inside the day. Now either this situation is unreal or it is crazy. A person can think of a day and then think of the present, or a person can think of the future and be in the present. The thought of two days being together in the same day is ludicrous; the thought of this statement being real is also ludicrous. The real aspect of this story is that the children are pretending to be dogs. The children have wild and creative imaginations. The short story has two children out in the yard with their dog, Toni. While in the yard, the children are talking to the dog and talking among themselves. "Look for your dog name, I'm looking for mine. I'm a dog? Yes were dogs"(208). Children can actually be playing and really think that they are living in their pretend world. They can actually believe that they are really living their imaginations. People who actually read stories question the plot and the story as the story progresses. The characters in the story accept everything; however, they are pretending. Questioning and receiving ideas about time and space with the identity of the characters worked well with the characters of the story. By the experience of being a reader, this person can verify that looking for a plot and the story line is very important. The attitude of the characters of the short story of "The Day We Were Dogs" did well. The way the characters acted through out the story was like real children playing out side with the pet dog.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Beauty and Stylish
The making of their agreement began with oral statement from Stylish who had demands regarding the new house, to provide curtains, blinds, and window coverings. Beauty explained to Stylish that all window coverings were provided in the contract like what Stylish wanted. Several weeks later, Stylish had agreed, and then leads to written contract signing. This is when the issue arose. Somehow Stylish signed the contract which content is contrary to what he originally demanded, different from their pre-contractual statement. That the contract price of the house excludes all window coverings, and is the responsibility of the purchaser.Stylish was upset when he realized that blinds, curtains and other window coverings were not provided. They had a valid contract within their case, and the terms of contract are certainly not breached. Although somehow there is a misrepresentation in term of Stylish’ demand and the content of the contract. The question is whether the Stylish can get his contractual rights in relation to the window coverings. A contract can be defined as an agreement enforceable in law. This suggests that there are some agreements that are not enforceable in law.Whether or not a contract is enforceable in law firstly depends on whether or not the following four statements are satisfied : there must be an offer, acceptance of that offer, consideration or document under seal or deed, and intention to create legal relations. If one of the mentioned elements is missing, there will not be a valid contract. Offer is an expression made by one party as an â€Å"offeror†and the person who accepts the offer as â€Å"offeree†. In another words, offer is willingness by an offeror to enter into a legally binding contract with offeree.In this case, Beauty is an offeror who offered the contract, and Stylish is an offeree whom the offer is made for. Once the offer has been set, then the next step is whether the contract would be accepted or not, which is accepted by Stylish, by signing the written contract. By signing the contract, it is presumed that the parties, Beauty and Stylish intended the document to be bound with sufficient consideration and thus creating legal relations. With the four elements, this contract is valid, recognized, and enforceable by law. In another words, Stylish can invoke assistance of the court. All contracts contain terms.Various statements whether oral or written, may be made in the course of negotiation. This is known as pre-contractual statements. But not all statements end up having the same legal effects. First, the statement made may be in a form of â€Å"puff†. Such puffs cannot be taken seriously. They are advertisement or promotional statement which is not intended to be binding. Next, statements can be a †representation†. It may not be terms of contract, but could just be a statement that would be more than just sales talk. Although representation may be in writing, it is not as a whole part of the contract.Finally, statements made could be term. Terms are statements that form a contract. Somehow terms and representations are so much alike. The difference between a representation and a term depends on the intention of the parties and the actual facts of the case. If the intention of the parties is clear, then the statements they make can be considered to be a term of the contract. Otherwise it is just a representation. In Ecay v Godfrey (1947), the seller sold the boat to the buyer at 750 pounds. However, the seller expressly gave the buyer the opportunity to survey the boat.It was held that the suggestion by the buyer that the seller independently survey the boat to be a representation. In this case, although both Stylish and Beauty had a clear intention of how the new house should be done, but the problem is that when the contract was done, that the intention was somehow not fulfilled. The contract states that the price of the house excludes window coverings, and is responsibility of the purchaser. This statement is a representation because the statement was made orally but was not written in contract. So far the essential elements of a contract and types of terms in a contract have been considered.However, even if a contract has all the essential elements and terms, it may be still declared as unenforceable if the vitiating factor is present. Vitiating factors are number of causes which may prevent a contract from being enforceable in law. The agreement may be vitiated to a void contract or voidable contract by causes of: mistake, misrepresentation, duress, undue influence, illegality. Void contract is treated as if there was no contract at all between the parties. Any belongings received from the agreement must be returned, any items that have been resold to another party, may be returned as well.And any contract that violates public policy is considered as void. Voidable contract A â€Å"voidable†contract, on the other hand, is a valid contract and can be enforced. Usually only one party is bound to the contract terms in a voidable contract. The unbound party is allowed to cancel the contract, which makes the contract void. The main difference between the two is that a void contract cannot be performed under the law, while a voidable contract can still be performed, although the unbound party to the contract can choose to void it before the other party performs.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on “From The Beatles To Biggie And Dylan To Diddyâ€Â
Over time music has changed drastically. Styles and genres, the way people actually create and listen to it, and how it affects the current trends in fashion and sexuality have all become quite diverse. People born in the mid 40’s through the 50’s probably listened to or have at least heard of artists like The Beatles and Bob Dylan. These names run parallel in respect to popularity to rappers like Christopher Wallace (Biggie Smalls/ The Notorious B.I.G.) and Sean Combs (P. Diddy/ Puff Daddy) now. â€Å"My favorite music always seemed to be rock that I heard in the mid to late 60's and the 70's. I'm a babyboomer born in 1951, so that was the music I grew up with. I'm sure most people my age can remember where they were when the Beatles first played on the Ed Sullivan Show. The Beatles were favorites for many young people during that period in time (Near).†Most people that grew up in the baby-boomer generation listened to mostly rock and roll music. Popular artists included The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, and Elvis Presley. Also, most people that grew up in the baby-boomer era might have started listening to a wider variety of rock, but haven’t really expanded their listening to other genres such as rap or jungle. â€Å"It has its place as alternative genre, but doesn’t have enough variability (Sefcik, Steve),†was the comment that I got when I asked my dad what his opinion on other types of music such as electronic or rap. Similarly, my mom said that she wasn’t crazy about other types of music (Sefcik, Terry). On the other hand she listens to mostly folk music and expanded to blues and bluegrass in her t eens, which shows that not everyone that was living at the time was obsessed with only rock and roll. Music also influences the way people socialize and vice versa society (friends, family, radio stations, etc.) effects how and what people listen to, especially when they’re young. For instance if someone primarily like... Free Essays on â€Å"From The Beatles To Biggie And Dylan To Diddy†Free Essays on â€Å"From The Beatles To Biggie And Dylan To Diddy†Over time music has changed drastically. Styles and genres, the way people actually create and listen to it, and how it affects the current trends in fashion and sexuality have all become quite diverse. People born in the mid 40’s through the 50’s probably listened to or have at least heard of artists like The Beatles and Bob Dylan. These names run parallel in respect to popularity to rappers like Christopher Wallace (Biggie Smalls/ The Notorious B.I.G.) and Sean Combs (P. Diddy/ Puff Daddy) now. â€Å"My favorite music always seemed to be rock that I heard in the mid to late 60's and the 70's. I'm a babyboomer born in 1951, so that was the music I grew up with. I'm sure most people my age can remember where they were when the Beatles first played on the Ed Sullivan Show. The Beatles were favorites for many young people during that period in time (Near).†Most people that grew up in the baby-boomer generation listened to mostly rock and roll music. Popular artists included The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, and Elvis Presley. Also, most people that grew up in the baby-boomer era might have started listening to a wider variety of rock, but haven’t really expanded their listening to other genres such as rap or jungle. â€Å"It has its place as alternative genre, but doesn’t have enough variability (Sefcik, Steve),†was the comment that I got when I asked my dad what his opinion on other types of music such as electronic or rap. Similarly, my mom said that she wasn’t crazy about other types of music (Sefcik, Terry). On the other hand she listens to mostly folk music and expanded to blues and bluegrass in her t eens, which shows that not everyone that was living at the time was obsessed with only rock and roll. Music also influences the way people socialize and vice versa society (friends, family, radio stations, etc.) effects how and what people listen to, especially when they’re young. For instance if someone primarily like...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Automobile Industry in India Essay Essays
Automobile Industry in India Essay Essays Automobile Industry in India Essay Essay Automobile Industry in India Essay Essay Chennai histories for 60 % of the country’s automotive exports. In melody with international criterions to cut down vehicular pollution. the cardinal authorities unveiled the criterions titled ‘India 2000’ in 2000 with later upgraded guidelines as ‘Bharat Stage’ . These criterions are rather similar to the more rigorous European criterions and have been traditionally implemented in a phased mode. with the latest upgrade acquiring implemented in 13 metropoliss and subsequently. in the remainder of the state. The Automotive Industry has flourished in Pune Region in Maharashtra. What were the particular conditions were at that place for this development. Still Indian autos are non considered as a category in itself compared to European autos. India’s strong technology base and expertness in the fabrication of low-cost. fuel-efficient autos has resulted in the enlargement of fabricating installations of several car companies like Hyundai. Nissan. Toyota. Volkswagen and Maruti Suzuki In recent old ages. India has emerged as a taking centre for the industry of little autos. Indian trade names: AMW ( Asiatic motor works- Commersial vehicles ) . Eicher Motors ( tractors. Buss. constituents ) . Force ( Bajaj Tempo ) . Hindustan motors ( Birla. Ambassador auto. Joint venture with Mitsubishi ) . Premier ( Padmini. Moved from Mumbai to Pune ) . Tata. Mahindra. BharatBenz. Per capita incursion at around nine autos per 1000 people is among the lowest in the universe. While the industry is extremely capital intensifier in nature in instance of four-wheelers. capital strength is a batch less for two-wheelers. Though three-wheelers and tractors have low barriers to entry in footings of engineering. four Wheelers is engineering intensive. Costss involved in branding. distribution web and spare parts handiness addition entry barriers. With the Indian market traveling towards following with planetary criterions. capital outgo will lift to take into history future safety ordinances. Car big leagues increase profitableness by selling more units. As figure of units sold additions. mean cost of selling an incremental unit comes down. This is because the industry has a high fixed cost constituent. This is the cardinal ground why operating efficiency through increased localisation of constituents and maximising end product per employee is of significance. Maruti Suzuki. which is the market leader in PVs. had to cover with labour work stoppages at its works at Manesar as a consequence of which production was badly hit. As gasoline monetary values firmed up. the derived function between gasoline and Diesel widened. Therefore. there was a rush in demand for diesel autos. Most companies faced force per unit area at the operating degree as borders declined due to lift in input costs. Steep depreciation of the rupee besides took its toll. Tractors: While good monsoon is a positive for the sector. given the fact that non-farm incomes have continued to mount up. volumes should still keep up good in the longer run despite a twelvemonth or two of hapless monsoons. denationalization of choice province conveyance projects bodes good for the coach section.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on An Inspector Calls
â€Å"An Inspector Calls†was written in 1945, in just one week, by Bradford born writer, John Boynton Priestley. In his life, he wrote over one hundred novels, plays and essays. In July 1941 Priestley and other members of a committee established the socialist common wealth party. He was very interested and involved with politics but had a large amount of trouble getting along with the policies of any one party. He also made an unsuccessful attempt to stand as independent candidate for parliament in 1944. Priestley travelled through the extremely poor parts of Britain, which gave the inspirations for his novels and plays. His inspirations helped him think through his political ideas and change them. Most of his plays were about middle class people because the audiences who watched and read them were generally middle class people so they could relate to the characters easily. He wanted all his characters to be as real as possible so he gave them a social background that would t he recognised. He had the great gift of being able to write quickly and never having to correct his first drafts. All his writings contained important elements of time, which suggests that there are moments in out lives when we make decisions that, could lead towards disaster or success. During the second world war Priestley wrote fourteen books and broadcast a radio programme called â€Å"Postscripts†, which was listened to every Sunday evening, but due to his unfortunate habit of criticising the government and discussing what he thought was wrong with the society they lived in, the BBC reckoned with the idea of stopping the programme and after a year the programme was stopped. After studying one of Priestley’s most famous plays, An Inspector Calls, I am going to see how the dramatic qualities of act three shape the audience response and how they communicate Priestley’s message, which was, â€Å" We do not exist solely as individuals but as part of an... Free Essays on An Inspector Calls Free Essays on An Inspector Calls â€Å"An Inspector Calls†was written in 1945, in just one week, by Bradford born writer, John Boynton Priestley. In his life, he wrote over one hundred novels, plays and essays. In July 1941 Priestley and other members of a committee established the socialist common wealth party. He was very interested and involved with politics but had a large amount of trouble getting along with the policies of any one party. He also made an unsuccessful attempt to stand as independent candidate for parliament in 1944. Priestley travelled through the extremely poor parts of Britain, which gave the inspirations for his novels and plays. His inspirations helped him think through his political ideas and change them. Most of his plays were about middle class people because the audiences who watched and read them were generally middle class people so they could relate to the characters easily. He wanted all his characters to be as real as possible so he gave them a social background that would t he recognised. He had the great gift of being able to write quickly and never having to correct his first drafts. All his writings contained important elements of time, which suggests that there are moments in out lives when we make decisions that, could lead towards disaster or success. During the second world war Priestley wrote fourteen books and broadcast a radio programme called â€Å"Postscripts†, which was listened to every Sunday evening, but due to his unfortunate habit of criticising the government and discussing what he thought was wrong with the society they lived in, the BBC reckoned with the idea of stopping the programme and after a year the programme was stopped. After studying one of Priestley’s most famous plays, An Inspector Calls, I am going to see how the dramatic qualities of act three shape the audience response and how they communicate Priestley’s message, which was, â€Å" We do not exist solely as individuals but as part of an...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Regulations for the Licensure of Hospitals in Virginia Essay
Regulations for the Licensure of Hospitals in Virginia - Essay Example Also, the hospital must declare if it intends to be a General, Special, Nursing home, Outpatient, or surgical hospital, or combination of as defined by the regulations. Next, according to 12 VAC 5-410-140, a hospital must undergo an inspection, unless previously accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and certified for participation in Title XVIII of the Social Security Act. If the hospital has already been approved by these two organizations, it can be assumed that it will fulfill all requirements of the Department of Health. Thus, it is easier if the accreditation and certification process is completed before applying for a license, but not mandatory. If the hospital has not already been accredited and certified, before obtaining a license then the hospital must undergo a rigorous inspection according to Part II of the Regulations for Licensure of Hospitals. Part II covers Organization and Management, Patient Care Services, Special Services, Environmental and Maintenance Services, and Physical Plant Requirements for existing Buildings. The differing parts of the inspection are not listed in detail, but it d oes list that the hospital has an opportunity to submit a plan of correction. (12 VAC 5-410-150) According to Part II of the Virginia State Board of Health's "Rules and
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Picture of Edouard Manet The Monet Family in Their Garden at Essay - 1
The Picture of Edouard Manet The Monet Family in Their Garden at Argenteuil - Essay Example As the Art of the Renaissance period, Impressionism is based on the characteristics and skills of the perception of perspective. It was not important what was on the picture, but the ways it was created and painted were meaningful. The paintings of impressionists provided the audience only with positive emotions, as they revealed the best sides of life, without affecting social problems, such as hunger, disease, and death. Later it led to a split among the Impressionists. The picture of Edouard Manet â€Å"The Monet family in their garden at Argenteuil†is a great representation of the Impressionism. It was created in the 1874. In this period of time Edouard Manet was influenced by the artistic skillfulness of Claude Monet and his approach to the painting outdoors. â€Å"Monet was the first and the foremost contributor to the birth of Impressionism and to the new manner of expressing a vision, where reality was interpreted in ways never before imagined – fresh, airy, harmonious, where colors dazzled in all their solar intensity, where nature was discovered in joyous vibrating life and in changing skies†(Martini, A., 1978, 5). In summer 1874, Manet stayed at the home of his family, which lived not far from the premise of object of his inspiration. The painting represents the family portrait of Monet: his wife Camille Monet, the son Jean and Claude Monet himself working in the garden on the left of the picture. It became the maste rpiece of the Impressionism Epoch. Edouard Manet was impressed by the works and technique of Claude Monet. â€Å"Impressionism reveals a different reality, clarifying Monet’s original intentions and correcting misconceptions in the understanding of his works†. The subject of the painting possesses the features of simple portrait, but the simplicity is supported by the great mastership of the painter. The style of work comprises the elements of classical and casual art. On the one hand the picture represents a beautiful lady, well-dressed and holding her son on the knees. On the other hand, the nobility of the picture is diluted with the simplicity of nature and the man, simply dressed.Â
Report to the Board of Directors - 3M Company Coursework
Report to the Board of Directors - 3M Company - Coursework Example In case of determination of impairment of assets, the management has adopted separate measurement techniques of evaluating the different units by categorizing them as profit making or loss making. The price-earnings ratio method has been used for profit-making units, the discounted cash flow method has been used for the loss-making units and the relative fair value method has been used for the changes in products offerings of the different units (Sofat and Hiro, 2008, p.84). The influence of the institutional context and the social context on the measurement choices for accounting treatment have been considered in the process of financial reporting. The necessary changes in the accounting treatment of the company to comply and align with the norms under IFRS have been suggested to improve the process of accounting and financial reporting. ... The contingent assets are also considered for PPE valuation. The management takes into account the historical experiences in evaluating the property, plant and equipment of 3M Company (Khan, 2004, p.49). Based on the past experience and reasonable justification of the related factors, the PPE valuation is carried out by the management. The management, however, believes that the accounting of PPE and the reporting of PPE valuation may differ from the actual value of the total property, plant and equipment. The determination of the value of property, plant and equipment takes into account, the related losses and depreciation of the assets. The valuation of the asset includes the cost of purchase and the cost of installation and other expenses incurred in bring the fixed asset to the location of usage. The cost of maintenance and losses if incurred are also adjusted to determine the value of PPE (Baker and Powell, 2009, p.68). Apart from the cost or risks, the management also takes i nto consideration the expected flow of money from the use of fixed assets. The reward or the benefits of the assets are also taken into consideration for the purpose of PPE valuation. Evaluation of selected measurement model 2: Differences permitted in Asset Impairment methods and accounting treatment The asset impairment is recognized by the management of 3M Company when the reported value of the assets of the company is greater than the intrinsic values of the assets. The impairment method includes the determination of fair value of assets of the individual units of 3M Company and then comparing with the reported value of the assets of the individual units. The method
Rhetorical analysis of websites that are important to your future Essay
Rhetorical analysis of websites that are important to your future profession - Essay Example st present the different websites chosen for this paper, followed by a specific discussion on the language, design, and logos as well as general presentation of these websites. An analysis of these sites will then be indicated. Finally, conclusions shall be drawn based on the language and the identity of my profession. There are several websites that shall be subject of this rhetorical analysis, including the IEEE (Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers, ACEEE (Association of Computers Electronics and Electrical Engineers), and the ACET (Association of Computer Engineers and Technicians). First of all, the IEEE or known as the â€Å"Eye-Triple E†by the members of the organization has a visually appealing website in terms of color alone, which is a shade of sky blue. From the very start, the view of the website is enticing, and not assaulting to the eyes and one is then eager to explore the website further. The design for the other websites also has their own appeal and these points shall be discussed individually based on various elements for evaluation. Enticing members to join any organization have now become an important consideration for many organizations especially with the proliferation of the internet. The improvements in the internet design and use have also prompted many organizations to redesign and repurpose their websites in order to support their needs. Using different websites for electrical engineering, this study shall consider the relations between verbal and visual data on the strategies used by organizations and design staff to present essential information and data on the web. Immediately when navigating through the IEEE website, the viewer is able to see different visual data. For one, the text in the site comes in various typefaces, groupings, sizes, and pictures and other images are placed in various significant points, depending on the information being presented. The web page in other words is a combination of visual
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Three Positions on Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Three Positions on Abortion - Essay Example The conservative stand rejects abortion at any cost. This position is largely based on religious beliefs regarding the sanctity of life. Conservatives also cite the ‘slippery slope’ argument, where the right to end life could be extended to other situations, such as euthanasia. The liberal position permits abortion unconditionally. Liberals accept various justifications for abortion, including the woman’s right to make decisions over her own body, the quality of life of fetus and mother, and monetary and career considerations. The conservative and liberal positions are both reflections of the uncompromising rigidity which often characterizes any debate on the issue of abortion. On the other hand, the moderate position on abortion recognizes the moral implications it entails, and acknowledges that the rights of the mother and the fetus are in conflict in this situation. Moderates accept the need for abortion, but limit their acceptance to situations entailing defor mity in the fetus, health risks to the mother, and cases of rape and incest. I agree with the moderate position on abortion because of its attempt to reconcile two extreme stands. The moderate position appeals to me as it represents a genuine attempt to reconcile two opposing viewpoints: the conservative and the liberal. ... From the liberal perspective, the moderate position accepts that several mitigating factors, largely concerned with the well-being of the mother, can justify the overruling of the right-to-life of the fetus. However, it rejects a casual attitude towards the suffering of the fetus. This middle-of-the-road position ensures that the issue of abortion can be taken on a case-by-case basis. After all, each case has its own unique circumstances, and the conservative stand of unilaterally ruling out abortion is unacceptable. For example, if the pregnancy poses a risk to the health of the mother, abortion can be justified. Similarly, moderates do not condone abortion out-of-hand. This sets curbs on the overly permissive liberal position, which could generate a laissez-faire attitude towards casual sex and pregnancy. Abortion without any restrictions would lead to sexual permissiveness and lack of responsibility. The moderate position approaches the issue of abortion without any preconceived i deas of morality, and adopts a non-judgmental stand which particularly appeals to me. Just as the moderate position on abortion is a calculated compromise between two extreme viewpoints, it incorporates several ethical approaches into its deliberately balanced stand, and rejects any rigidity. The moderate position, by nature of its flexibility, and willingness to accept compromise, rejects the Deontological Ethical Approach, because the latter emphasizes rigid moral obligation. Moral obligation, without any consideration of the resulting consequences, is foreign to moderates. Similarly, moderates reject the Intuitive Approach, based on the perception that this approach is often individual morality, or personal prejudices, painted in stubborn
Labour Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Labour Rights - Essay Example Indeed, every person is entitled to freedom of speech, but this should not make such rights take precedence over economic and political concerns. In the modern world, there is respect for Charter of Rights and Freedoms but does not give a pass to equal rights for people from different races, religion, color, sexuality and the likes. Even so, not everyone adheres to these guidelines; rampant discrimination continues in private. People get different treatments based on their appearances and sexuality, with bosses hiring based on the looks and beliefs of the prospective employees. This does not mean that it would always be the case, but that the prejudice is rife in the modern world. The rights of individuals would be put behind their backs because, in spite of acceptance of such rights, seniors in the workplaces determine how such rights are reinforced in the organization. Even so, these rights are determinate and are well stipulated in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and thus cr itical for consideration. All the rights listed in the statement are basic to every employee:1. The right to organize free from interference refers to the right given to every worker to undertake their tasks without meddling from any quarters. This is a significant right to all workers as it fosters their productivity and promotes a healthy workplace environment.2. The other right is the right to bargain collectively and to be bargained with in good faith. This right to collective negotiations is a useful tool when seeking mutual agreements. It is a crucial right in promoting participation thus allowing an organization to benefit from the diverse views of the different members. Participation allows people to adjust accordingly and adapt to issues they would previously not be comfortable with. Contribution from different people to an idea and the subsequent infusion makes people own a proposal, an important outcome for collective bargaining.3. Finally, there is the right to strike wi thout putting one’s job in jeopardy. This right allows workers to fight for their wants without putting their jobs on the line. Thus, workers should be allowed to voice their concerns without being victimized. This could be undertaken through a strike, thus the importance of this right.The critical part in the statement is the consideration of the other rights as overriding economic and political considerations. Whereas the enlisted rights are essential to all humans, the different classes in the society together with the existence of specific representations set some people above others politically and economically. The rights are important in a workplace setting but only manage to hold for a while in the society at large.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Rhetorical analysis of websites that are important to your future Essay
Rhetorical analysis of websites that are important to your future profession - Essay Example st present the different websites chosen for this paper, followed by a specific discussion on the language, design, and logos as well as general presentation of these websites. An analysis of these sites will then be indicated. Finally, conclusions shall be drawn based on the language and the identity of my profession. There are several websites that shall be subject of this rhetorical analysis, including the IEEE (Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers, ACEEE (Association of Computers Electronics and Electrical Engineers), and the ACET (Association of Computer Engineers and Technicians). First of all, the IEEE or known as the â€Å"Eye-Triple E†by the members of the organization has a visually appealing website in terms of color alone, which is a shade of sky blue. From the very start, the view of the website is enticing, and not assaulting to the eyes and one is then eager to explore the website further. The design for the other websites also has their own appeal and these points shall be discussed individually based on various elements for evaluation. Enticing members to join any organization have now become an important consideration for many organizations especially with the proliferation of the internet. The improvements in the internet design and use have also prompted many organizations to redesign and repurpose their websites in order to support their needs. Using different websites for electrical engineering, this study shall consider the relations between verbal and visual data on the strategies used by organizations and design staff to present essential information and data on the web. Immediately when navigating through the IEEE website, the viewer is able to see different visual data. For one, the text in the site comes in various typefaces, groupings, sizes, and pictures and other images are placed in various significant points, depending on the information being presented. The web page in other words is a combination of visual
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Labour Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Labour Rights - Essay Example Indeed, every person is entitled to freedom of speech, but this should not make such rights take precedence over economic and political concerns. In the modern world, there is respect for Charter of Rights and Freedoms but does not give a pass to equal rights for people from different races, religion, color, sexuality and the likes. Even so, not everyone adheres to these guidelines; rampant discrimination continues in private. People get different treatments based on their appearances and sexuality, with bosses hiring based on the looks and beliefs of the prospective employees. This does not mean that it would always be the case, but that the prejudice is rife in the modern world. The rights of individuals would be put behind their backs because, in spite of acceptance of such rights, seniors in the workplaces determine how such rights are reinforced in the organization. Even so, these rights are determinate and are well stipulated in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and thus cr itical for consideration. All the rights listed in the statement are basic to every employee:1. The right to organize free from interference refers to the right given to every worker to undertake their tasks without meddling from any quarters. This is a significant right to all workers as it fosters their productivity and promotes a healthy workplace environment.2. The other right is the right to bargain collectively and to be bargained with in good faith. This right to collective negotiations is a useful tool when seeking mutual agreements. It is a crucial right in promoting participation thus allowing an organization to benefit from the diverse views of the different members. Participation allows people to adjust accordingly and adapt to issues they would previously not be comfortable with. Contribution from different people to an idea and the subsequent infusion makes people own a proposal, an important outcome for collective bargaining.3. Finally, there is the right to strike wi thout putting one’s job in jeopardy. This right allows workers to fight for their wants without putting their jobs on the line. Thus, workers should be allowed to voice their concerns without being victimized. This could be undertaken through a strike, thus the importance of this right.The critical part in the statement is the consideration of the other rights as overriding economic and political considerations. Whereas the enlisted rights are essential to all humans, the different classes in the society together with the existence of specific representations set some people above others politically and economically. The rights are important in a workplace setting but only manage to hold for a while in the society at large.
School-based drug-testing scheme Essay Example for Free
School-based drug-testing scheme Essay Recently,the government has launched a voluntary school-based drug-testing scheme. However, some people suggest that the scheme should be made compulsory so thatit has a real deterrent effect. Write an article for the school newspaperproviding arguments for and against the suggestion. End the article by givingyour own opinion. Give your article a title. DearEditor, Is it necessary to launch Compulsoryschool-based drug-testing scheme? Seven students are arrested for taking drugs. ,Two teenagers died after abusing drugs. Recently, we all become familiar withthe headline like this. It seems that we must take action. There is acontroversial issue about launching the compulsory school-based drug-testingscheme. I would like to discuss both of the perspectives. Making the test become compulsory will have agreater effect of stopping drug abuse. The current scheme is voluntary andstudents can decide whether they join the test. IN essence, students who takedrugs will absolutely not join the test. As a result, these students may stilltake drugs even the scheme in effect. On the contrary, switching the voluntaryscheme into compulsory one is more effective. Every student gave to be testedand there is a psychology effect that they indeed have to face penalty if theytake drugs before. This not only make the scheme become effective but also manystudents are stopped from drugs abuse. Compulsory school-based drug-testing schemelowers the crime rate in Hong Kong. It is known that once a person addict to the drugs, it is extremelydifficult to stop taking drugs. Meanwhile, drugs seller want to make as highprofit as possible, they sell the drugs with expensive prices, Students, whoaddict to the drugs, will use any methods to get enough money to buy drug, Tobe more specific, they may commit crime such as burglary and prostitution, Inother word, the society become disordered and saturated with criminals. Bylaunching compulsory school-based drugs-testing scheme, students tear of thepenalty and hence they stop drugs abuse, which in turn lower the teenager crimerate in Hong Kong. Nevertheless there are disadvantages whenlaunching the compulsory drugs test. Compulsory school-based drug-testing schemeis costly and time consuming. In fact, each test of sample acquires variousinstruments and professionals in order to meet high accuracy. These are themain reasons why the test is expensive, In addition, each test need a lot oftime to give an accurate result. Worse still, several hundred thousands of studentshave to be tested at the same time. A huge amount of money is necessary tosupport the compulsory scheme and a few months or years is required to finish theentire test. Some people may suggest that only a fix amount of studentsselected randomly have to encounter the test. Unfortunately, students may thinkthat they probably not be chosen. Thus the effect of the test is weakened. In my point of view, there is no denyingthat compulsory school-based drug-testing scheme is effective, but usingalternative ways at the same time can improve the situation more efficiently. Enhancing drugs education is a suggestion for government. Students should beeducated more seriously about the drawbacks of drugs abuse such as how thedrugs contaminate their organs especially their brains. These can arouse theirawareness on the disadvantages of drugs abuse. On the other hand, parents arerecommended to pay more time with their children. Love is essential for allteenagers. As they have great stress on them about study, more care can helpthem refuse to take drugs. Nothing but only the corporation between governmentand parents can solve the problem.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Performance Appraisal: Functions and Implementation
Performance Appraisal: Functions and Implementation Chapter 1: 1.1 Introduction This dissertation project has been undertaken for the fulfilment of the business degree MBA, General Management from the University of East London. The findings of this dissertation will contribute to concerned company and the author to complete the MBA degree. At the beginning, a leading mobile tele-communication organisation in Bangladesh named Banglalink was chosen as the research organisation. In the middle of the study, the management refused to cooperate with providing information. As a result the author had to find and choose a suitable company to collect research information and data to finish the study. Secure Facilities Management Company Ltd. (SFM) was the new company chosen to finish the research. The introduction chapter gives an overall idea about the study. In this part, the background, objectives and research questions and the structure of this dissertation will be discussed. 1.2 Background of the Study The study discusses about the functions and the implementation of performance appraisal in the new era. The concept of ‘Welfare Personnel was developed in the end of the British golden colonial history by the humane concerns of some business families like Cadbury and Rowntree. Then within the next century, the concept had changed and became Personnel Management and later on Human Recourse Management. Now the world has just entered into a new millennium and the concept of human resource management has become a strategic partner for the business organisations. (McKenna Beech, 2008:2 3) Organisations require many things in order to be effective, a method for producing a product or service, financial resources, a way of marketing and human resources. While all of these are important to organisational effectiveness, the only factor that represents a potential competitive advantage is human resources. This is why the concept of human resource management is s important to every organisation.. The basics of managing people are getting people, preparing them, stimulating them motivate them. To manage human resources in any organisation the following questions are to be considered: (Dessler, 2005:4-5) Are the persons hired for the job wrong? Is the organisation able to milk out the best from the employees? What is the most frustrated area of human resource management? Is the rewarding system working properly? The above refers to how people worked in the past, what changes are required in future to make the production system effective, what are the weaknesses of the system and how to improve. These actually refer to the evaluation of employees of job which is called Performance Appraisal. Performance appraisal system is an important function of personnel department in any organisation. The system has a close relationship between organisation goals and individual performance. The performance appraisal system represents a year round exercise of managing individual performance in an integrated manner with a view to enabling employees to perform at their performance standards. (Dessler, 2005:310) With the view of increasing organisational effectiveness through the effective management of human resources, the organisations use different methods of appraising performance of their employees. For this research a small security service company named ‘Secure Facilities Management Company Ltd. (SFM) a private single owner security service company has been chosen. SFM became a successful organisation in the last few years. Their high standard efficient employees are one of the key factors for their success. For that, SFM has been chosen to practice the theoretical knowledge and to get familiar with the existing system of Performance Appraisal of a small private company. 1.2 Research Question In general, most of the organisations have a kind of formal or informal performance appraisal system. Through the performance appraisal system, the employees get to know their performance standards, which area of their performance needs to be developed etc. The supervisor also provides them with feedback, development and incentives to help them eliminating their performance deficiencies. If performance appraisal system is effectively used, it can improve attraction motivation of the employees on the job. If inappropriately used the appraisal process can have disastrous effects (Dessler, 2005:310). Hence the discussion leads to the research questions: What is the level of understanding and compliance of the employees on performance appraisal? What are the reactions of the employees regarding the performance appraisal? What are the constraints of the performance appraisal in practical life? 1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study The research has been undertaken for the fulfilment of the requirement for completion of MBA, General Management for the year 2008/2009. This is mainly aimed to develop the job expertise in the performance appraisal activities under the guidance of expert faculty member of University of East London. It is really a difficult task to assess consistency, relevance and reliability of the tools and techniques of the system, however and effort is made to have some ideas about the matter. 1.3.1 Aims The study mainly aims at knowing about the awareness, the level of understanding and compliance of the employees of SFM regarding performance appraisal system. The study attempts to analyse the present performance appraisal system and the role of both appraisers and appraises in connection with the implantation of the system in real life situation. 1.3.2 Objectives To be acquainted with and acquire practical knowledge regarding performance appraisal system of an organisation. To relate the theoretical knowledge of performance appraisal with practical implication. To determine the acceptability and reliability of the performance appraisal system in a certain organisation. To assess the constraints/factors which influence the performance appraisal system. 1.4 Scope of the Study Target group includes officers of all level. The working forces those who are working in the head office and also in the other sites. Value Perception of both appraisers and appraises of the organisation under study. 1.5 Limitations of the Study While preparing this report, the following limitations had been faced: At the beginning a renowned mobile Tele-communication company in Bangladesh, Banglalink, was chosen for the study but they refused to deliver any information and cooperation just one and half month before the submission date. As a result, the author had to choose a small security company, Secure Facilities Management Company Ltd. (SFM) to carry on and finish the study within such a short time. SFM has a master plan on performance appraisal, but at present implementing a part of it. As a part of the business strategy, SFM did not provide all information on their performance appraisal procedure. The major limitation of the study was the lack of time for such an intensive work which compelled the author to narrow the scope of the study. All officials were very busy with their own assignments. As a result, they had a little opportunity for giving much time in this regard. Limitation was faced on the volume of the report due to which many relevant and important things will remain unexplored in detail. 1.6 Organisation Profile Introduction to Secure Facilities Management Company Ltd. (SFM): Since its formation SFM has built its reputation by providing security personnel of the highest calibre. This has been achieved by combining sound management with sensible terms and conditions for all staff. SFM strives to ensure that their clients and staff benefit from a focused and well-defined professional approach, the ratio of management to client is kept to no more than one manager per 10 clients. SFM strives to provide the highest standards of efficiency to all its clients, both large and small. SFM understands the importance of first impressions and that their personnel are often the first point of contact for their clients visitors and residents. 1.7 Structure of the Research This structure of this study has the following five chapters: Chapter 1 is the introduction chapter where the background, research question and rationale, objective, company profile and structure of the research are stated. Chapter 2 contains a brief literature review on performance management, history and meaning of the performance appraisal, purposes, functions, types of performance appraisal, MBO, 360 degree appraisal, problems and solutions of performance appraisal and essentials of a good performance appraisal. This chapter will provide a basic understanding about performance appraisal which is related to the research questions. Chapter 3 contains Research Methodology which includes research framework, the design of the research, population and sampling, and questionnaire. Chapter 4 provides Data analysis, statistical analysis and findings of the research. Chapter 5 describes the critical review of the findings. Chapter 6 discusses on recommendation and conclusion of the study and reflection summery. Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction Organisations require consistent levels of high performance from their employees in order to survive in a highly competitive environment. In a view of this, performance appraisal can be a systematic system through which evaluation of an employee is done analyze effectively to determine required performance. It plays a key role in rewarding systems. It is the process of evaluating the performance of employees, sharing information with them and searching for ways to improve their performance. Appraisal is necessary in order to: Allocate resources in a dynamic environment; Motivate and reward employees; Give employees feedback about their work; Maintain fair relationships within groups; Coach and develop employees; and Comply with regulations. It is also a formal opportunity to do what should be done much more frequently in organisations to express appreciation for employee contributions. Companies must administer their employee performance reviews, at all levels, fairly and without discrimination. Since all appraisals can be used against a company in an appraisal employee lawsuit, it is critical that these reviews should be completely accurate. This practice of performance appraisal has been given a variety of titles. The academicians call it performance appraisal, performance review etc. In Government services in Bangladesh, it is known as ACR (Annual Confidential Report). In private organisations, it is often described as merit rating, personnel rating, progress rating, annual performance, etc. Performance appraisal plays a major role in Human Resource Management. The subject is a part of Performance Management. It is necessary to discuss the performance management briefly before proceeding to performance appraisal. Performance Management The primary concern of performance management is the improvement of individual and collective performance. It is a continuous cycle of self-renewing. The aim of performance management is make direct link together individual goals, departmental purpose and organisational objectives. It integrates the major elements of HRM like appraisal and employee development, performance-related pay and reward management, individualism and employee relations. In other way it can be called as day-to-day management activity as it deals with organising works to get the best result. â€Å" a strategic integrated approach to delivering sustained success to organisations by improving the performance of the people who work in them and by developing the capabilities of tams and individual contributors†. Armstrong (2001:467) According to Armstrong (2001:475) the main activities of performance management are Role Definition, The Performance Agreement or Contract, The Performance Development Plan, Managing Performance Throughout the Year and Performance Review. These activities are a continuous cycle. According to Marchington Wilkinson (2004:187), the process of performance management system involves Induction and Socialisation, Reviewing and Appraising Performance, Reinforcing Performance Standards and Counselling and Support. Beardwell and Holden (2001:538) stated â€Å"Performance Management is not simply the appraisal of individual performance: it is an integrated and continuous process that develops, communicates and enables the future direction, core competencies and values of organisation, and helps to create an ‘horizon of understanding†. Performance Management is an effective tool by which the employees work behaviours are aligned with the organisations goals. There is no one way to manage performance. Whatever system is adopted needs to be similar with the culture and the principles of that organisation. However, most system of performance management has several parts: Defining Performance: Carefully defines employee performance so that it supports the organisations strategic goals. Setting of clear goals for the individual employee is a critical component of performance management. Measuring Performance: Measuring performance does not need to be narrowly conceived, but can bring together multiple types of performance measured in various ways. The key is to measure often and use the information for mid-course corrections. Feedback and Coaching: In order to improve performance, the employee needs information (feedback) about their performance, along with the guidance in reaching the next level of results. Without frequent feedback, employees are unlikely to know that behaviour is out of synchronization with relevant goals, or what to do about it. The major aim of performance management is to find ways of continual improvement of levels of both organisational and individual performance and performance appraisal is the perfect weapon for that improvement. The Rise of Performance Appraisal The performance appraisal has a long history which started China in the third century, the reign of Wei Dynasty. It was mainly used for the civil servants, army officers and managers until recently. Now it is very much wide spread all over the world and has become a popular management tool. In the UK most of the private sector organisations has introduced and are practicing performance appraisal during the last decade or two. Some people suggested that the reason behind for its growth is to use the individualised performance-pay system. Some other factors like market competition, managing change, organisation goal, milk out the best from the employees etc. are also important. Now the terminology ‘performance appraisal is changing to ‘personal development review and ‘performance review and development. (Taylor, 2004:247-248) Meaning of Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal (PA) is a methodical, on the job-review of an employees abilities and accomplishments. Performance appraisal functions as a valuable management assessment tool and a superior employee motivation weapon. It enables us to strike a workable balance between organisations need for qualified and trained personnel and employees need for feedback and motivation. Performance is the contribution and appraisal is the procedure of measuring the contribution. Performance appraisal is an integral part of a system of managing individuals working in an organisation. Performance appraisal is an inevitable inspire of modern technology and all the systems and controls coming into widespread us, people remain the most important factor in all kinds of business, government agencies, charitable organisations and all other organisation. Performance appraisal is a process of bringing together the approaches of performance management like counselling, training, improving performance etc. that helps the managers to exercise them to achieve the goal of the organisation. It is a procedure of rewarding and disciplining the employees to improve the over performance of the organisation. It is the process of evaluating performance or contribution of an employee to the organisation during a specific period of time by his or her supervisor with relation to his or her job requirements. An effective, reliable and valid performance appraisal system recognizes the legitimate desire of employees for progress in their professions. Integration of organisational demands and individual needs through career management is the part of performance appraisal. Therefore, the performance appraisal program is inevitable for measuring the contribution of both â€Å"employees and managerial personnel†. Performance appraisal program is the basis of determining who is profitable to higher position and who is to be rewarded for better contribution to the organisation he or she belongs to. Performance feedback lets employees know how well they have performed in comparison with the standards of the organisation. Performance appraisal program is the administrative and employee development tool, which is the domain of the management not shared by the employees. Opponents of the performance appraisal attack it on a variety of grounds but without appraising performance of the employees career development, organisational development, recently a number of organisations have revamped their appraisal system in a bid to reduce possible negative outcomes. Appraisal, no doubt is a complex issue and it is clear that to be effective, a system must be designed and implemented with great care. â€Å"Performance appraisal means evaluating an employees current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards†. (Dessler, 2005:310) Michael Armstrong (2001:486) says â€Å"Performance review discussions enable a perspective to be obtained on past performance as a basis for making plans for the future.†He explains that the five elements of performance management (measurement, feedback, positive reinforcement, exchange of views and agreement on action plans) can be achieved through performance review. In the conclusion it can be said that, performance appraisal is the process by which an employees contribution to the organisation during a specific period of time is assessed. Performance Feedback then lets the employee know how well they have performed in comparison with the standards of the organisation. Who Should Do The Appraisal? By traditionally a managers authority typically has included appraising subordinates performance. The logic behind this tradition seems to be that since managers are held responsible for their employees†performance, it only makes sense that these managers do the evaluating of their performance. The employees immediate boss conducts about 95 percent of all performance appraisals at the lower and middle levels of the organisation. Purposes Purposes of Performance Appraisal: HRD Employees View Performance appraisal or evaluation serves a number of purposes for Human Resources Department and for the development of the employees. Management uses performance appraisal for general human resource decisions. Evaluations provide input into such important decisions, transfers, and terminations. Performance appraisals identify training and development needs. They pinpoint employee skills and competencies that are currently inadequate but for which programs can be developed to remedy. Performance appraisal can be used as a criterion against which selection and development programs are validated. Newly Hired employees who perform poorly can be identified through performance appraisal. Similarly, the effectiveness of training development programs can be determined by assessing how well those employees who have participated do on their performance appraisal. Performance appraisals also fulfil the purpose of providing feedback to employees on how the organisation views their performance. Furthermore performance appraisals are used as the basis for reward allocations. Decisions as to who gets merit pay increases and other rewards are frequently determined by performance appraisal. Purposes of Performance Appraisal: Organisations View Identify the successful less successful aspects of the employee needs organisational goals. Assist decision makers in allocating resources in planning for future. Assist managers in just frying expenditure accounting for those expenditures. Monitor employee activities to detect any change in activities or the quality of services. Serve as a benchmark, i.e. identifying best practice performance, using that performance as a goal, investigating the factors that led up to that performance, then trying to replicate that level of performance. Functions / Uses of Performance Appraisal Multiple uses of Performance Appraisal are: Development uses. Administrative uses/decision makings. Organizational maintenance/objectives. Documentation. Types of Performance Appraisal There are various types of performance appraisal which includes Alternation Ranking Method, Graphic Rating Scale, Management By Objectives (MBO) etc. (Dessler, 2005:315) These are explained below. Alternation Ranking Method It is the oldest simplest of formal systematic rating is to compare one person with all others for the purpose of placing them in a simple rank order of worth. In doing this, the appraiser considers person and performance as an entity; no attempt is made to systematically fractionize what being appraised into component elements. Graphic Rating Scale This method is widely used in merit rating is similar to the techniques in point-evaluation plan. This involves the supervisor to rate employee performance in terms of prescribed traits i.e. quality of work, quantity of work, initiative, dependability, knowledge of work etc. Each trait is defined various degrees of each are prescribed in some way. From traits degrees over-all rating can be obtained. Forced Distribution Choice Another attempt to counteract the tendency of raters to give average ratings or even sometimes to â€Å"twist†a report to bring about a desired result is the forced-choice technique. Here the rater is faced with groups of three of four statements, he must tick the one, which applies most nearly to the employee under assessment. These statements are so devised that it is impossible for the rater to know which will give the most favourable rating. Grading It is a further development to the guideline approach which attempts to provide a frame work of reference by defining a number of levels at which the characteristics is displayed asking Managers to select the definition which most closely describes the individual they are assessing. For example, in rating effective output the Manager in a typical grading scheme is asked to choose between: Outstanding Outstanding output of high quality work Satisfactory Satisfactory level of output effort Fair Completes less than the average amount of effective work Poor Low output poor worker. Critical Incident Method The critical incident method requires every Supervisor to adopt a practice of recording in a note-book of those significant incidents in each employees behaviour that indicate effective or poor behaviour. These are recorded in a specifically-designed notebook that contains characteristics under which the various behaviours can be recorded. Management by Objectives (MBO) Management by Objectives (MBO) is a critical process that often consists of four steps as a way to attain desired performance: Objective setting-joint determination by manager employee of appropriate levels of future performance for the employee, within the context of over-all unit goals resources. These objectives are often set for the next calendar year. Action planning-participative or even independent planning by the employee as to how to reach those objectives. Providing some autonomy to employees is invaluable; they are more likely to use their ingenuity, as well as feel more committed to the plans success. Periodic reviews-joint assessment of progress toward objectives by manager employee performed informally sometimes spontaneously. Annual evaluation-more formal assessment of success in achieving the employees annual objectives coupled with a renewal of the planning cycle. Some MBO systems also use performance appraisal to tie rewards for employees to the level of results attained. MBO had been taken likened to a modem form of scientific management. It is also subject to the same possible criticisms of too great an emphasis on individual job definition together with a management authority structure, the assumption of no conflict between individual organisation goals. MBO should not be applied simply as a pressure device by which management apply increasingly demanding targets which Staffs are expected to achieve. MBO draws attention to the objectives for individual members of the organisation as a whole. MBO is a potentially attractive system. It provides an opportunity for staff of accept greater responsibility to make a higher level or personal contribution. There is much to recommend it to both the organisation individual managers. 360 Degree Appraisal or Evaluation The latest approach to performance appraisal is the use of 360 Degree evaluations. It provides for performance feedback from the full circle of daily contacts that an employee might have, ranging from mailroom personnel to customers to bosses to peers. The number of appraisals can be as few as three or four evaluations or as many as 25; with most organisations collecting five to ten per employees. The appeal of 360-degree appraisals is to fit well into organisations that have introduced teams, employee involvement, and TQM programs. By relaying on feedback from co-workers, customers and subordinates, these organisations are hoping to give every one more accurate reading on employee performance. Appraising Performance: Problems and Solutions Few of the things a manager does which are more risky than appraising subordinates performance. Employees in general tend to be overly optimistic about what their ratings will be, and also know that their raises, career progress, and peace of mind may well hinge of how they are rated. This alone should make it somewhat difficult to rate performance; even more problematic. There are more numerous structural problems that can cause serious doubt on just how fare the whole process is. Some of the main appraisal problems and their solution are explained below. Dealing with the Five Main Rating Scale Appraisal Problems Five main problems can undermine appraisal tools such as graphic rating scales: unclear standards, halo effect, central tendency, leniency or strictness, and bias. Unclear Standards: The problem of unclear standards is illustrated. Although the graphic rating scale seems objective, it would probably result in unfair appraisals because the traits and degrees of merit are open to interpretation. For example, different supervisors would probably define ‘good performance, ‘fair performance, and so on differently. The same is true of traits such as ‘quality of work or ‘creativity. Halo Effect: The halo effect means that the rating of subordinate on one trait (such as ‘gets along with others) biases the way that person is rated on other traits (such as ‘quality of work). This problem often occurs with employees who are especially friendly (or unfriendly) towards the supervisor. For example, an unfriendly employee will often be rated unsatisfactory for all traits rather than just for the trait ‘gets along well with others. Being aware of this problem is a major step toward avoiding it. Supervisory training can also solve the problem. Central Tendency: Many supervisors have a central tendency when filling in rating scales. For example, if the rating scale ranges from 1 to 7, they tend to avoid the highs (6 to 7) and lows (1to 2) and rate most of their people between 3 and 5. In a graphic rating scale, this central tendency could mean that all employees are simply rated ‘average. Such a restriction can distort the evaluations, making them less useful for promotion, salary, or counselling purposes. Ranking the employees instead of using a graphic rating scale can avoid this central tendency problem because all employees must be ranked and thus cannot all be rated average. Leniency or Strictness: Some supervisors tend to rate all their subordinates consistently high (or low), just all some instructors are notoriously high graders and others are not. This strictness/leniency problem is especially serious with graphic rating scales since supervisors arent necessarily required to avoid giving all their employees high (or low) ratings. On the other hand, when the raters rank subordinates, they are forced to distinguish between high and low performances. Thus, strictness/leniency is not a problem with the ranking or forced distribution approach. In fact, if a graphic rating scale must be used, it may be a good idea to assume a distribution of performances-that, say, only about 10% of the people should be rated ‘excellent, 20% ‘good, and so forth. In other words, try to get a spread (unless, of course, the raters are sure all their people really do fall into just one or two categories). Bias: Individual differences among raters in terms of characteristics like age, race, and sex can affect their ratings, often quite apart from each rates actual performance. In one study, for instance, researchers found a systematic tendency to evaluate older rates (over 60 years of age) lower on ‘performance capacity and ‘potential for development then younger employees. The rates race and sex can also affect the persons rating. However, bias is not necessarily consistently against minorities or women, as it seems to be in the case of older workers. In one study, high performing females were often rated significantly higher than were high performing males. An interesting picture of how age can distort evaluations emerges from a study of registered nurses. When the nurses were 30-39 years old, they and their supervisors each rated the nurses performance virtually the same. In the 21-29 category, supervisors actually rated nurses higher than they rated themselves. However, for the 40-61 nurse age categories, the supervisors rated nurses performance lower than the nurses rated their own performance. The conclusion here may be that supervisors are tougher in appraising older subordinates. Specifically, they dont give them as much credit for their success, while attributing any low performance to their lack of ability. A related problem is described in the Diversity Counts feature. An employees previous performance can also affect the evaluation of h
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Montgomery Awards :: essays research papers
The Collapse and Fall of Montgomery Ward      Montgomery Ward was once one of America’s leading retail store’s and chains. The founder of Montgomery Ward, Aaron Montgomery Ward was the first in history to come out with the first dry-goods mail-order catalogue, witch listed 163 items. What happen to this company and its great ideas? With this paper I intend to help you realize how important it is to communicate within a business. This business probably would have been more successful and reached higher greatness if they had greater communication with the public.      A little background information. Montgomery Award was founded in 1872, and had its first free standing retail store in 1926 in Plymouth, Indiana. Montgomery Ward did not face any king of problems when it was first introduced, it succeeded in everything it did. The mail-order catalogue was great and doing well. By 1883 the company had a 240 page catalog with lists of 10,000 items all together. This is how the company got big and famous. By 1875 the company was doing so well so they come out with the catch phrase â€Å"Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back.†In 1928 Mr. Ward opened 244 stores nation wide, and by 1929 he had over 531 stores. In1968 Montgomery Ward had major merges with Container Corporation of America and Mobile Oil corp. In 1988 they stray away from the mail-order business and concentrate on a specialty store strategies. In 1988 management undertakes successful 3.8 billion dollar buyout, making Montgomery Ward a privately held company, a nd in 1991 they resume the mail-order catalog business. Then in 1997 Montgomery Ward files ch11 bankruptcy. They eliminated 450 national office jobs, 250 stores, and 10 distribution centers in 30 states.      The major problem that Montgomery Ward fell victim to was an increasingly competitive retail environment, and a fast-paced world where aggressive discounters are forcing old-line operators to change radically or become ancient history. They just could not keep up. The communication was all wrong near the end, they were not able to give what the customers and the buying public what they wanted, a good quality product with low fair price. Even though they were making money it just wasn’t enough. In 1900 they recorded 8.7 million in sales but fell behind Sears and Roebuck which generated 10 million in sales. Another great reason why Montgomery Ward fell is the communication, the communication between the corporate headquarters and the public.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The 1819 Manchester Massacre and Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Masque of Anarc
The 1819 Manchester Massacre and Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Masque of Anarchy Sometimes a person is beyond all reach of society. Percy Bysshe Shelley was in Italy on August 16, 1819, during an event which shook his native England. The next month, word reached Italy, and upon receiving word of the protest gone awry, he immediately started work on a poem, and finished it before the end of the month (White 105). It became â€Å"The Masque of Anarchy.†Written in light of the 1819 Manchester Massacre, it demonstrates Shelley’s political stance, in that he detested the British government yet was terrified of the chaos and violence of a revolution.       The Manchester Massacre, also called the Peterloo Massacre due to the name of the specific location--St. Peter’s Field--as well as its temporal proximity to the battle of Waterloo, took place on the field in the city, and featured such noted speakers of the day as Richard Carlile, John Cartwright, and Henry Hunt, all known for their contrarian views of the government (Bloy). The people there had gathered--fifty to sixty thousand outside of the city of only two hundred thousand, a fourth of the normal population--to protest, among other things, misrepresentation in Parliament (Manchester and other new industrial cities didn’t have any parliamentary representation, but much, much smaller townships did). However, such a large gathering, peaceful or not, would and did arouse the suspicions of the government, especially a bloated and corrupt government like England’s in the early nineteenth century. The English government, fearful of a violent uprising, took the first strike and sent more than sixteen hundred troops: cavalry, infantry, artillery, and even dispatched the local yeomanry and co... ... but also refreshes and soothes the mind from its radical feelings. Sources Cited: Bloy, Marjie. â€Å"The Peterloo Massacre, 16 August 1819.†A Web of English History. 18 Aug. 2001. 9 May 2002 . Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Shelley: The Golden Years. Cambridge: Harvard, 1974. â€Å"Map of Peterloo.†Peterloo. 29 Dec. 2000. 9 May 2002 . â€Å"Peterloo Massacre.†Peterloo. 29 Dec. 2000. 9 May 2002 . Noyes, Russell. â€Å"Percy Bysshe Shelley.†English Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: Oxford, 1967. 954-965. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. â€Å"The Mask of Anarchy.†English Romantic Poetry and Prose. Ed. Russell Noyes. New York: Oxford, 1967. 1052-1057. White, Newman Ivey. Shelley. Vol. 2. New York: Octagon, 1972.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Great Gatsby Argument Essay
Viren Kumar Mrs. Parato AP Language and Composition March 2, 2013 Society’s Shadow Goals, objectives, targets, and ambitions are incentives that drive one to emerge from their comfort zone. Each individual, rich or poor, isolated or active, normal or abnormal, has a way to communicate with others and act in society based on personality. Most people want to be accepted by others to fit into society and be â€Å"normal†. There is always one person who has a different perspective than everyone else's and is uniquely considered an â€Å"outcast†.In the novel, The Great Gatsby, author F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays Jay Gatsby as an isolationist that is compelled to play ambiguous roles in society to obtain the green light across the channel, which in effect causes Gatsby to be placed in a nerve-racking situation. Society is a big influence on Gatsby and his actions. He is first introduced by Miss Baker. â€Å"[Nick] decided to call to him. Miss Baker had mentioned him at dinner, and that would do for an introduction†(Fitzgerald 20).Nick Caraway is a parallel with society because he is influenced by the thoughts and ideas of others that structure society. Since Miss Baker mentions Gatsby over dinner, Gatsby is seen as an interesting topic that needs to be explored. Jay, being an isolationist that he is, tries to hide himself from society by displaying motions hinting to people like Nick: â€Å"But [Nick] didn’t call to him, for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone†(20).Gatsby makes a â€Å"sudden intimation†, and it seems that Gatsby knows there is someone watching him and observing his every action, and in attempts to isolate himself and avoid being â€Å"[called] out to†, he makes a subtle allusion to the fact he wants to be left to himself (20). Thus society forces Gatsby to make the movement he makes by gossip and communication. Society’s observations in this passage will show t o define many of Gatsby’s actions as the novel progresses. People have secrets in their life that can determine who they truly are; Gatsby has his own that are the power that compels him to act the way he does.Gatsby is carefully observed, and as he involuntarily â€Å"glanced seaward – and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far way, that might have been the end of a dock†(Fitzgerald 21). Gatsby stares at a distant green light, which implies a special connection between the two. Considering â€Å"he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way†and that Gatsby â€Å"was trembling†his secret relation with the green light must be special because one does not tremble for any reason (Fitzgerald 21).There is an emotional bonding that may date back a long time. His yearning for the lightâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬ stretched out his arms†â€â€is foreshadowing for the rest of the story where he struggles to obtain t his light (21). An obvious tension between the relationship of Gatsby and the mysterious light is visible from the â€Å"trembling†, and this tension creates the ambiguousness in Gatsby’s role in the novel (21). Fitzgerald uses figurative language to introduce the protagonist, which exemplifies Gatsby’s mysterious appearance to emphasize his perplexing personality.As Nick is outside his home after a night with the Buchanan’s, a strange yet familiar silhouette appears just on the other side of his yard, in his neighbor’s yard. â€Å"The silhouette of a moving cat wavered across the moonlight†(Fitzgerald 20). This cat, in turn, is actually Jay Gatsby. Although, the comparison that Fitzgerald makes with Gatsby and the cat does serve as a tool to analyze his characteristics. Felines tend to walk in a stealthy manner at night, and they are very cautious about being watched. The comparison indicates that Gatsby was trying to be wary of his surrou ndings.Gatsby may be the figure, but noticing that there is no adjective on the noun, â€Å"figure†, whereas throughout the rest of the passage there are many adjectives to describe his surroundings, this anomaly provides Gatsby as a figure the appearance of an inexplicable figure (20). With his â€Å"hands in his pockets†, this signifies a sign of secrecy to illustrate his complex personality (20). Gatsby may have wanted to protect some secrets about the green light. Gatsby’s method of an introduction is an explanation of the ambiguous role he is going to play and the uncomfortable nature of his future situation.The Great Gatsby is a novel that depicts the role of Gatsby as one of an isolationist that is forced into an ambiguous role in society. Through misinterpretations of his actions, he is thought to have a misleading identity. As society observes the fascinating movements of Gatsby in his yard, the motions that Gatsby performs communicate thoughts of isola tion to society, but later on in the passage, motions such as the stretching out of the trembling arms, represent predictions of society pulling Gatsby into societal problems and issues.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Salvador Dali – Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around
Salvador Dali went to the art school Academia De San Fernando in Spain, and rather than taking it seriously, he dressed oddly and preferred to daydream during classes. He was expelled. The rise of Franco in Spain led to Dalais expulsion from the Surrealist movement, but that did not prevent him from painting. He later married Elena Dinnertime Additional, or simply known as Gala, which became his muse and inspiration. When Dali was still in school, he studied many artist movements in which one was Dada, a post-World War I anti-establishment cultural movement.Although political, it philosophically influenced his paintings. He also traveled to Paris, France and met up with Pablo Picasso, whom he highly respected. He also met Joan Mirror, Paul Alular and Rene Emigrate, who introduced Dali to Surrealism. Dalais paintings became associated with three general themes: depicting a measure of man's universe and his sensations, the use of collage; and objects charged with sexual symbolism, and ideographic imagery.Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second before Awakening, or Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee for horn, shows quite a few of his themes, including sexual symbolism depicted by Gala Dali his wife, his idea of the degree of universe in a dream and also collages of images from his dream. And © Breton, whose manifesto the Surrealist movement was based off, first formed surrealist art: â€Å"Pure psychic automatism, by which one proposes to express, either verbally, in writing, or by any other manner, the real functioning of thought.Dictation of thought in the absence of all control exercised by reason, outside of all aesthetic and moral preoccupation. †Surrealism was illogical, unexpected Juxtapositions of disparate elements in collages, and at first, it was a highly controversial movement, often insisted to be referred to as ‘revolutionary'. The group's works consisted of unreal and or dreamlike images of everyday objects , twisted and distorted into paintings and writings of ‘art'.In Dream Caused by a Flight of a Bee, it is extremely perverse for a fish to burst out of a pomegranate, then to spew out a tiger, which in turn spews out another one tiger and a bayonet – only to sting Gala in the arm. It is clear that this is an image that was enervated by the mind, and shown on canvas. Although it seems exceedingly impossible, the style of art is intended to be generally surreal. Dali chose to paint Gala as his subject because he loved her so much; she was his motivation and source of his creativity.Due to his desolate past, he had probably not been as close to anyone as much as Gala to use her as his subject in many of his paintings, including Dream Caused by a Flight of a Bee. It shows us as viewers a glimpse of his personal life, his choice of thought to put his subjects in a certain composition. Dream Caused by a Flight of a Bee was composed very well, as it has a clear meaning, as well as it showing through in the title of the piece. Formal Analytical Framework Dream Caused by a Flight of a Bee was painted with oil paints on canvas, which allows for the realistic finish of unrealistic matter.The fine details were rendered by brush, which creates the smooth appearance. Salvador Dali has used many elements and principles, which are incorporated to make Dream Caused by a Flight of a Bee. One of the main elements shown is color; the vibrant colors exaggerate the rent occurrence. The bright yellows used to paint the tigers are false to the real color of tigers, which brings out the focal point of the artwork. The contrast of colors also helps separate the background from the objects.The color of the background has more white blended into it, forming a hazy effect, as compared to the tigers, the fish and the pomegranate, where the colors are more pure with fewer colors mixed in. Gala, atop the rock slab, is more a neutral color to balance out the painting. Dali has als o used color as a way of representing something, for example he yellow and black stripe on the tiger to represent a bee's body. Although not as obvious, tone has also been used to highlight the three-dimensional feel.The overall mood created by these elements has produced a dreamlike texture, with the soft background, and the surrealistically of the objects. The composition of this Dream Caused by a Flight of a Bee also plays a considerably large part in forming this piece. The first thing a viewer might see is Gala and the tigers, followed by the strange elephant in the background, then followed by all the smaller details. By putting the tigers close to center, it emphasizes the meaning of the piece, as the viewer slowly starts to out the story together.There is also a certain rhythm of the arrangement, especially of the pomegranates, and the overall composition of the tigers and bayonet coming out of the fish, out of the larger pomegranate. This certain arrangement forms a bee, wh ich is repeated towards center bottom, under Gala. In Dream Caused by a Flight of a Bee, â€Å"A typical dream with a long theme, the consequences of a sudden accident that causes the awakening†, Salvador Dali has seed many symbols, in which some include a bee, an insect that traditionally symbolizes the Virgin.The pomegranate with the two droplets of suspended water can be used as a Christian symbol of fertility and resurrection, or it could also represent Venus because of the heart-shaped shadow it casts. The fish, two tigers and bayonet supposedly make up the body of a bee, showing the two sides of the bee's symbolism. The elephant carrying an obelisk is allegedly a distorted version of â€Å"Pulling Della Minerva†sculpture in Rome. Dali has explored to some extent his idea f the world of dreams in a dreamboats, and has shown the events in which a dream can occur, and the split second a person (Gala) could be awoken by Just a small provocation.
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